With the start of the Glasgow Climate Change Conference COP 26 and a strong, more politically driven presence of education stakeholders throughout the conference, there is hope that a quality education for all, as highlighted in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, will actually make a difference in the discussions around the climate vulnerabilities affecting nature and people.
A number of further events will take place in November 2021 that might be new beginnings towards more systemic support for the education community worldwide to live up to the sustainability challenges. We welcome your participation in the events highlighted below.A number of further events will take place in November 2021 that might be new beginnings towards more systemic support for the education community worldwide to live up to the sustainability challenges. We welcome your participation in the events highlighted below.
Sustainable on the Go Conference on 24 January 2022 https://yorkinternational.yorku.ca/sotg-2022-contribute/
The launch of the European Deans Council for Sustainable Development on 3 November 2021 https://decode-council.org/
Educon 2021 on 4-5 November 2021: the virtual education summit for practitioners and thought leaders https://educon.live/
TERA2021 on 12-13 November 2021: educational reform, global citizenship, and sustainable future https://tera2021.nsysu.edu.tw/index.php
5th UNESCO Forum on transformative education for sustainable development & global citizenship, 29 November – 1 December 2021
Live from COP 26 on 5 November 2021: teaching for climate action – schools shaping the future, hosted by UNESCO, OECD, and Education International https://www.ei-ie.org/en/item/25446:register-today-teaching-for-climate-action-schools-shaping-the-future
Live at COP 26: The Changing Face of Iceland – a documentary film by Mark Terry scheduled for a screening on 4 November 2021https://thechangingfaceoficeland.com/
Live at COP 26: York University´s side event on 5 November 2021, on joint action for climate, nature, and people, and the SDGs
12th Global RCE Conference on 16-18 November 2021 https://www.rcenetwork.org/portal/