June, 2024

Education Forum-Discussion “What to Expect from Doctoral Studies?”

On  the 26 of June, 2024, the XXXIV Education Forum-Discussion “What to Expect from Doctoral Studies?”  was held. The Forum-Discussion addressed the following questions:

  • Why choose a PhD?
  • What to expect from PhD studies?
  • What are the challenges of doing a PhD?
  • How to write a PhD thesis in 4 years?
  • How to get a PhD

Viktorija Voidogaitė (PhD student at VU Institute of Educational Sciences), Daiva Bartnikienė (PhD student at VMU Academy of Education), Danguolė Šakalytė (PhD student at MRU Faculty of Human and Society Studies), Brigita Miseliūnaitė (PhD student at KTU Doctor of Educational Studies) shared their experience and insights. The forum-discussion was moderated by doctoral student Vaiva Juškienė (LERA Doctoral Student Network Chair).





May, 2024

Education Forum ,,Problematic or Dialogical? STEAM Education in Relation to the Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts”

On  the 23th of May  in 2024, the Education Forum “Problematic or Dialogical? STEAM. Education in Relation to the Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts” was held. In the  forum was considered the following issues: What is STEAM education and what are its main objectives? What is the current situation of STEAM education in Lithuania? What models of STEAM education do we have and how do they work? What are the challenges? What is the value of humanities, social sciences and arts in STEAM education? What is the relationship between these strands in current educational practice? What are the possible futures for education and the role of STEAM education?

During the education forum, the announcememt “Lithuanian STEAM Phenomenon: a Popular Challenge of Uncertainty” was presented by dr. Paulius L. Tamošiūnas (Head of VU Methodological STEAM Education Center). prof. dr. Rūta Girdzijauskienė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Klaipėda University) gave a presentation, “When Science Meets Art: the Interaction of Science and Arts in STEAM Education“. Dr. Simonas Šabanovas (Advisor of the Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports) provided detailed insights on STEAM on a Lithuanian scale. Dr. Jogaila Vaitekaitis (VU Institute of Educational Sciences) and  Asta Malčiauskienė (Panevėžys Education Center,  principle) also participated in the discussion. The forum was moderated by prof. dr. Lilija Duoblienė (Vilnius University). You can view the entire forum recording on LERA’s YouTube channel https://youtu.be/qep9NxhAdLs

March, 2024

Education Forum “Research-Based Educational Practice in Lithuania: a Reality or a Dream?”

On the 26th of March in 2024, the Education Forum “Research-Based Educational Practice in Lithuania: A Reality or a Dream?” was held. This Education Forum was dedicated to the relationship between research and practice. This time, educational theories and research were approached from the perspective of practitioners. What is the basis of educational practice in Lithuanian schools? What research-based models of education do we have? How do we work where we do not have a clear theoretical framework? When do practitioners look for researchers and researchers for practitioners? How do practitioners become researchers? How does practice change after becoming a researcher? What does it mean to be “pracademic?”. How to facilitate the translation of educational theories and research into practice?

These issues were discussed by dr. Loreta Žydelienė (historian, lecturer, researcher); Virgilijus Pupeikis (Director of the Children’s Art Studio “Diemedis” progimnasium, primary school teacher); dr. Gražina Šmitienė (chemistry teacher, associate professor at the KU Department of Pedagogy); Simona Miškinienė (deputy headmaster of Šiauliai Dubysa Aukštupio School); Vitalija Bujanauskienė (Head of the Utena Education Centre); dr. Natalija Kaunickienė (Head of Šiauliai Salduvės progimnasium); dr. Arvydas Girdzijauskas (Head of Klaipėda Vydūnas Gymnasium); prof. dr. Loreta Žadeikaitė (Chief Adviser of the Department of Studies, Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Science of ŠMSM). The forum was moderated by dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė (President of LETA) and assoc. prof. dr. Daiva Penkauskienė (Member of the LERA Board, Head of the Research Methodology Network). The full recording of the forum can be viewed on LERA’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFksJpDsFLs

February, 2024

Education Forum "Ethical Publication of Research Results - Mission (Im)Possible?"

On the 22nd of February, 2024 the XXXI Education Forum “Ethical Publication of Research Results – Mission (Im)possible?” was held. The keynote speech “The Researcher as Author and Reviewer: What do you Need to Know?” was given by dr. Loreta Tauginienė (Vice President of the European Network of Scientific Integrity Services, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Academic Ethics).  The discussion was attended by assoc. prof. Vaida Jurgilė (Associate Professor, Vytautas Magnus University, Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Pedagogika); assoc. prof. Irena Stonkuvienė (Associate Professor, Vilnius University, Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia); assoc. prof. Irena Žemaitytė (Associate Professor, Mykolas Romeris University, Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Social Welfare Research); PhD student Jurgita Virbalė (University of Ioannina, Greece; SMK Graduate School). The forum was moderated by prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė (Vice-President of LERA) and dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė (President of LERA).
The full recording of the forum is available at LERA YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/iwbSKDp1daQ

January, 2024

The Event “Educology for Lithuania: Presentation of Doctoral Dissertations Defended in 2023”

On 18 January this year, the event “Educology for Lithuania: Presentation of Doctoral Dissertations Defended in 2023” was organised by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport and  LERA. The Minister of Education, Science, and Sport Gintautas Jakštas, the Chair of the Joint Doctoral Consortium Committee of Vilnius University, Klaipėda University and Mykolas Romeris University of Education prof. dr. Lilija Duoblienė, the Chair of the Joint Doctoral Consortium Committee of Vilnius University, Klaipėda University and Mykolas Romeris University prof. dr. Lina Kaminskienė, the Chancellor of the Academy of Education of the Vytautas Magnus University, gave the welcome  speech ( video at: https://lera.lt/leta_files/2024/01/2024-01-17%20EDU_final.mp4). PhDs and post-docs who  have  defended their PhDs in 2023 shared their latest discoveries  the event programme here: https://lera.lt/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/SMSM_kvietimas.pdf). The event was moderated by Agnė Liucilė Grickevičė (Adviser to the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania), prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė (President of LERA), dr. Jolanta Navickaitė (Director of the Department of Education and Science Lithuana), prof. dr. Lina Kaminskienė (Vice-President of LERA), dr. Agnė Kudarauskienė (Deputy Minister of Lithuania), and dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė (Vice President of LERA). All the studies presented were relevant and interesting. Such a treasure trove of Educational Research only proves the usefulness of Educational Research for scientists, education policy makers, practitioners, researchers, and society.

Presentations of defended 2023 doctoral dissertations

dr. Valentinas Butanavičius’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Rasa Didžiulienė’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Garbauskaitė-Jakimovska’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Rasa Greenspon’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. AidaKairienė’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Aušra Kardašienė’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Natalija Kaunickienė’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Giorgi Kobakhidze’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Dovilė Lisauskienė’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Gitana Naudužienė’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Nerijus Pipiras’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Irena Raudienė’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Gabrielė Stupurienė’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Jelizaveta Tumlovskaja’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Jogaila Vaitekaitis’s presentation of dissertation 
dr. Lina Vaitkutė’s presentation of dissertation