LERA Conferences

LERA Conference 2023
The 7th conference of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA) organized by the Lithuanian Educational Research Association and Kaunas University of Technology: EDUCATION AND TRAINING: THE VALUE OF DIVERSITY. Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the founding of LERA.

LERA Conference 2022
The 6th Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA) conference: “EDUCATION PRACTICES AND RESEARCH IN A TURBULENT WORLD” is organized by the Lithuanian Educational Research Association and the Academy of Education of Vytautas Magnus University. Dedicated to 100 of the University of Lithuania.

LERA Conference 2021
The 5th Conference of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA): SCIENTIFIC CITIZENSHIP IN AN UNCERTAIN WOLD is organized by the Lithuanian Association for Educational Research and the Institute of Education and Social Work of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies of Mykolas Romeris University.

LERA Conference 2020
The 4th Conference of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA) and the 4th Conference of Doctoral Students in Education: EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONNECTING COMMUNITIES IS organized by the Lithuanian Educational Research Association and the Institute of Educational Sciences of Vilnius University.

LERA Conference 2019
The 3rd Conference of the Lithuanian Association for Educational Research (LERA) and the 3rd Conference of Doctoral Students in Education : IDEAS FOR FUTURE EDUCATION took place at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS), Center for Advanced Pharmaceutical and Health Technologies.

LERA Conference 2018
The 2nd Lithuanian Scientific Research Association (LERA), II International Doctoral Students’ Scientific Conference: EDUCATION AND HUMAN WELFARE was held at Klaipėda University.