Meeting of the Lithuanian Science Council with LERA leaders and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science.

On 19 December 2024, the Chairman of the Lithuanian Research Council, dr. Gintaras Valinčius, and his team met with the leaders of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association and the representatives of the Lithuanian Ministry of Education. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the possibilities of cooperation between LRC and LERA in the implementation of the Lithuanian Educational Breakthrough Programme. During a lively and good-natured discussion, 3 areas of cooperation were agreed upon: 1) involving the community of teacher practitioners in the research and achieving a greater impact on educational practice and policy; 2) expanding the dimensions of international cooperation; 3) developing an innovative and interdisciplinary concept of social impact assessment of projects, which would help self-reflection of educational science. The need for more involvement of education researchers in the decision-making processes of the LRC and new ideas for doctoral studies and research in education were also discussed. We hope that this fruitful collaboration will open a new chapter in the development of education studies.

The XXXVII Educational Forum “Teachers’ Experiences of Violence in Educational Institutions” took place on Wednesday 18, December 2024. The keynote speech “Experiences of Violence in Educational Institutions by Teachers and Other Educational Staff” was given by prof. dr. Romas Prakapas (Professor, Institute of Education and Social Work, MRU). During discussion such questons were considered: 1. What are the experiences of teachers and other educational staff of bullying in educational institutions?; 2. What are the sources and possibilities of help in case of violence and bullying?; 3. How to help the person experiencing violence and bullying and his/her environment?. The discussion was attended by Egidijus Milešinas (Chairman of the Lithuanian education and science professional union), dr. Jolanta Navickaitė (Head of the Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport), dr. Aistė Bakaitytė (Institute of Psychology, MRU, Applied Psychology Laboratory). Forum was moderated by prof. dr. Brigita Kairienė and prof. dr. Ilona Klanienė. The full recording of the forum is available at LERA YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/1X0C0NDmW4o

Congratulations to the new doctor Akvilė Giniotaitė on successfully defending her doctoral dissertation “Non-Silent Dimensions of Sexuality Education in Adult Narratives” (Education Sciences (S 007)) and aquiring doctoral deegree in the field of Social Sciences, Education. Scientific supervisor of the thesis is prof. dr. Lilija Duoblienė (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Educaton Sciences –S 007).
The dissertation is available at:
A short annotation of the dissertation is presented below.
The dissertation explores adults’ experiences of talking about sexuality with young people and with each other, in order to understand how adults (parents, carers, teachers) experience sexuality education conversations and what aspects of these conversations they and they bring to the forefront of their stories. The work is based on a posthumanist approach, discussing the categories of gender and age as significant factors in the construction of a ‘proper’ sexual subject. The theory of the child as insufficiently mature to embrace sexual knowledge is also explored. The theoretical part also discusses the different conceptions of sexuality education, the content of sexuality education, and presents the situation of sexuality education in Lithuania. In the empirical part, a dialogical narrative analysis was used, 23 adult interviews were analysed. In the analysis, the narratives were grouped into 4 dimensions: youth experiences, themes, process and states of conversation between adults. In the dimension of youthful experiences, the feelings of lack and abandonment and the need to reflect on one’s own experience of sexuality education emerged. Some participants, although holding different ideological positions on the issue of sexuality education, had similar views on some aspects, indicating an untapped opportunity for dialogue between adults. The silence between adults is seen as a gap in the provision of quality sexuality education for young people. The dissertation makes recommendations for parents, educators and educational policy makers.
Dissertation Defence Board
Chairperson – assoc. prof. dr. Irena Stonkuvienė (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Education – S 007),
Prof. dr. Dovilė Budrytė (Georgia Gwinnett College, Social Sciences, Political Science – S 002),
Prof. dr. Natalija Mažeikienė (Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Education – S 007),
Prof. dr. Odeta Merfeldaitė (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Education – S 007),
Prof. dr. Paulius Skruibis (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Psychology – S 006).
ESPAD 2024 Study on Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substances in Lithuanian Schools

On 16 December this year, the ESPAD 2024 Study on Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substances in Lithuanian Schools was launched.
The study was conducted by the Lithuanian Educational Research Association. The study was presented by prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė (Principal Investigator of the ESPAD study in Lithuania, Vice President of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association). The presentation is available here
The ESPAD 2024 Study on Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substances in Lithuanian Schools is the world’s largest study on trends in the use of psychoactive substances by schoolchildren (adolescents) in the world, with participation from about 40 European countries.
The main objective of the ESPAD survey is to collect comparable and reliable data on the prevalence of psychoactive substance use and other risky behaviours among 15-16 year olds in Europe, with the aim of tracking both individual countries and overall trends across countries.
Lithuania has been participating in this international survey since 1995, and from 2024 the implementation of the survey in Lithuania will be organised by the Department of Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol Control. More than 200 Lithuanian schools participated in the survey. For the first time, an additional analysis of the results at municipal level was also carried out.
Although the international results of the survey will not be published for another year, you can already see the Lithuanian results and the national report of the survey on the website of the Department of Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol Control.

“Teachers’ Experiences of Violence in Educational Institutions”
We are kindly remind you that tomorrow, on Wednesday 18 December 2024, the XXXVII Educational Forum “Teachers’ Experiences of Violence in Educational Institutions” will take place. We invite educational practitioners, educational researchers, postgraduates, doctoral students, university lecturers, educational and social policy makers, representatives of scientific associations and NGOs, and all those who are interested in the implications of educational research for educational practice to participate.
Date | 18 December 2024 (Wednesday) |
Time | 3.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. |
Broadcasting |
Zoom: https://liedm.zoom.us/j/94887010828 |
Moderators | Prof. dr. Brigita Kairienė (MRU), prof. dr. Ilona Klanienė (KU). |
Forum programme
Time | Theme | Key-note speakers and panelists |
3.00 | Introduction | Prof. dr. Brigita Kairienė (MRU), Prof. dr. Ilona Klanienė (KU) |
3.00 – 3,45 | Key- note presentation “Experiences of Violence in Educational Institutions by Teachers and Other Educational Staff” | Prof. dr. Romas Prakapas, Professor, Institute of Education and Social Work, MRU ŽVSF. |
3,45 – 5.00 | Discussion | Panellists |
1.What are the experiences of bullying in educational institutions among teachers and other educational staff? | Egidijus Milešinas, President of the LSMSA | |
2. What are the sources and possibilities for help in the face of violence and bullying? | Dr Jolanta Navickaitė, Head of the Education Department, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport | |
33. How can I help the person who has experienced violence and their environment? | Dr. Aistė Bakaitytė, MRU Institute of Psychology, Applied Psychology Laboratory |
Scientific and Organising Committee of the XXXVII Education Forum
Prof. dr. Valdonė Indrašienė, Member of the LERA Board
Prof. dr. Odeta Merfeldaitė, Mykolas Romeris University, LERA Member
Prof. dr. Romas Prakapas, Mykolas Romeris University, LERA member
Contact information:
Valdonė Indrašienė, v.indrasiene@mruni.eu

Vaida Girinskienė
Education doctoral students have an exceptional opportunity to study at the world’s top universities.
Gain international knowledge, learn about different cultures, implement ambitious research ideas and get motivated to act – from now on, doctoral students in education can also take advantage of the opportunity to gain international experience by studying at the world’s best universities. They will be supported by the National Study Fund with more than EUR 45 000 per year, according to a press release.
International challenges for education studies
According to Sandra Kairė, associate professor at the Institute of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University (VU), one of the main challenges facing the science of education is the expectation of society that research in this field will correspond to the processes and changes taking place in the practice of education, and that scientists are expected to provide quick solutions to the educational challenges, rapid responses to global trends affecting education, announced by international organisations, effective solutions to future skills, a focus on both basic and practice-oriented research, often forgetting that educational research is time-consuming, funding-intensive, and sometimes hampered by bureaucratic procedures.
The interlocutor evaluated the project “Strengthening Doctoral Studies in Education” implemented by the State Studies Foundation, which finances doctoral studies in the field of education at the best universities in the world, positively, pointing out that the essential added value of doctoral studies in education abroad for Lithuanian HEIs is the involvement of promising researchers into the community of education researchers and the opportunities for development of research in education.
“The experience of graduates who have completed doctoral studies in education at the world’s best universities can undoubtedly strengthen the internationalisation of education research and international cooperation in the field of research, and it can create an opportunity for Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions to share their experience with each other, and in the future, perhaps, to more actively initiate collaborative research with foreign universities,” the interlocutor is convinced.
She hopes for changes in educational science
Viktorija Girinskienė, Head of the Scholarship and Financial Support Division of the National Study Foundation, explained that the project “Strengthening Doctoral Studies in Education” is important for solving the persistent problems of the quality and continuity of research in education in Lithuania: fragmented research, insufficient international recognition, lack of researchers focused on general education problems and teacher training, and insufficient contribution to the planning of education policies and curriculum modernisation.
“Progressive research, innovation and insights would help to develop modern and effective education policy and practice in Lithuania – a change that the doctorate in education needs to make. To receive support, a doctoral student must be invited to study at one of the world’s top 200 universities, or have already studied there, and then apply to the State Fund for Studies for support – to take part in the “Next 100″ competition,” explained V. Girinskienė.
More than EUR 45,000 per year will be granted to those who enrol in doctoral studies in education at the world’s best universities and who commit to returning to work in Lithuania after graduation. Until April 2027, 15 doctoral students will be funded to study at the world’s best universities.
Building on international trends
In the words of S. Kairė, Associate Professor at the Institute of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, VU, education studies and research in Lithuania are currently going through a period of transformation. For example, the priority research and experimental development themes identified at the Institute of Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy of Vilnius University are in line with the global trends – culture of education and education for sustainable development, the development of global and local education policy, the change of educational content and teacher training.
“All of these topics are certainly relevant outside Lithuania, but they are also in line with global trends. In addition to these topics, we are beginning to work more and more actively at the level of research in the areas of artificial intelligence, inclusion, equality, and diversity in education,” explained Assoc. Prof. S. Kairė.
Funding for studies for a number of years
The State Foundation for Studies provides support for studies at the world’s best universities through the Next 100 competition, which has been running since 2018. Over the past seven years, as many as 167 bachelor’s, master’s and PhD students from different fields of study have gone to study.
To be eligible for the competition, PhD students in Education must be enrolled or already studying at a higher education institution in the top 200 universities in the world in at least one of the three global rankings (Times Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings, Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)).
Information provided by Information from the National Study Fund.

International Winter School for Doctoral Students on Education in Druskininkai
For four years now, the beginning of December has become a memorable occasion for PhD students in the field of Educational Sciences, as the Vilnius University community organises the ongoing International Winter School for PhD students in Educational Sciences in Druskininkai. From 4-7 December, the Doctoral Winter School focused on the research of young researchers in the field of education on the following topical areas: pedagogy, didactics, teacher education, formal and non-formal education, higher education, educational technology, computational thinking, STEM, and aspects of globalisation and modern technology education.
Thanks to this year’s large team of 20 researchers, professors, lecturers and consultants from universities in Lithuania, France, Portugal, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Estonia and Hungary presented their expert insights. The same number of 20 PhD students, selected by the jury, presented research projects investigating contemporary issues, worked in thematic groups, presented posters, and took part in discussions on how to improve the design of research projects. They delved deeper into the speakers’ presentations, raised dilemmas, participated in intensive practical sessions on what it means to be a PhD student in their own country, and gained new insights and ideas on PhD research for further reflection. Vilija Gerasimovičienė, Laimutė Kodienė, Miglė Parachnevičienė, and Karolina Levanaitė, Laura Kildė, Snieguolė Bagočienė, Adomas Kačiušis, Loreta Venslavičienė, PhD students of Vilnius University, all of whom represented the Lithuanian Educational Sciences. Read more : here
Information prepared by PhD student Vilija Gerasimovičienė.

We are kindly invite you to register for LERA 2025 membership. As a LERA member you can participate in LERA networks, initiate research projects, disseminate information about your research through LERA channels, and influence Lithuanian education and science policy and practice. Please note that by becoming a member of LERA, you also become a member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) and the World Educational Research Association (WERA).
LERA membership is annual and requires filling in a short membership form on the LERA website https://lera.lt/naryste/ and payment of the membership fee (all necessary information, account number, payment exceptions, etc. can be found on the membership registration form). Please note that you can only belong to a maximum of 3 networks, i.e., please select a maximum of three networks when completing the registration form, otherwise you will still be asked to clarify your selection.
You will be able to download your membership certificates from the website (instructions: here) as soon as we see your updated membership form and the membership fee in the system. If you have any questions about registration, payments or certificates, please contact LERA secretary dr. Sandrita Škėrienė (informacijaleta@gmail.com) and she will answer all your questions.
We would also like to invite you to subscribe to the newsletter sent from the LERA https://lera.lt website, if you have not already done so. By subscribing to the newsletter, you will be the first to know about LERA, EERA, WERA Education Forums, Conferences, Summer Schools and other events. All you have to do is enter your name and email in the Newsletter subscription section of https://lera.lt/. Once your subscription is confirmed, you will start receiving news from the LERA website. If you decide to unsubscribe from the newsletter, you can easily do so by opening the newsletter in your email and clicking on the appropriate link.
Your personal data is processed by LERA representatives in accordance with the applicable legislation ensuring the protection of personal data – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 ((GDPR), the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania (ADTAĮ), LETA’s Privacy Policy and other legislation governing the Association’s activities.
LERA President dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė

Photo from official VMU site
Congratulation to prof. dr. Jonas Ruškus and prof. dr. Milda Ališauskienė on receiving awards on human rights.
We wish them success and good luck in their chosen path.
The awards “For Worthiness on Human Rights – 2024” initiated by the Ministry of Justice are dedicated to the commemoration of International Human Rights Day and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Read more: here

On 6 January 2025 at 14.00 we invite you to the Meilė Lukšienė Hall to participate in the first lecture of the year, or Lectio Prima, “The Past and Future of Logic”. The lecture will be given by prof. dr. Jonas Dagys, Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy of Vilnius University, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy.
Professor Dagys works in the tradition of analytical philosophy, researches contemporary problems of philosophy of consciousness, epistemology and modal metaphysics, and has a strong interest in the philosophy of logic and history of logic. He publishes scholarly articles and translations of significant texts. In 2019-2020 he hosted the LRT Plus TV philosophical talk show “Brandūs pokalbiai”.
Logic is the discipline of analysing the most general principles and norms of correct reasoning, developed in ancient Greece. Over time, it has become closely linked to almost universal standards of rationality. Over more than two thousand years, the content and form of logic have evolved with the changing systems of knowledge and its transmission, and its social and cultural significance has also changed.
This lecture will aim to provide a general overview of the key moments in the development of logic and the contours of its possible continuation, rationality and its significance for human self-understanding and sociability.
The lecture is addressed to the whole educational community.
The lecture will be given in the Meilė Lukšienė Hall, with the possibility of joining remotely.
Login link: here
The lecture will also be available on the Ministry’s YouTube channel: here

We are pleased to announce that the funding provided by the Lithuanian Science Council (LRC) to LERA association under the submitted application (Contract No. S-ACO-24-27) has been successfully used. This funding helps LERA to develop its international activities, organise scientific events, invite speakers from foreign universities, and improve the LERA website.
In 2024 year, LERA used the support provided by the LRCLT to pay the annual membership fee of the European Educational Research Association (EERA), for information dissemination of the LERA conference (preparation, cutting, editing, formatting of the video material of the LERA 2024 conference and production of the LERA 2024 information posters), for the costs of travel and accommodation of the invited speaker prof. dr. Olena Chepelyuk from Kherson National Technical University (Ukraine). Also for updating the tools and functionality of the LERA website.
We thank the Lithuanian Research Council for its support. We hope that in the future we will be able to strengthen international cooperation, organise scientific events, disseminate information about LERA’s activities and meet the needs of the LERA community.

Congratulations to dr. Justina Garbauskaitė-Jakimovska for becoming one of the best dissertation authors of 2023!
Dr. Justina Garbauskaite-Jakimovska’s dissertation in the field of education, “Becoming Non-Formal Education. Post-Structuralist Analysis of Non-formal (Youth) Education” (scientific supervisor prof. dr. Lilija Duoblienė) was among the 11 best!
We wish Justina new scientific discoveries and creative energy!
All eleven laureates were presented with congratulatory letters from the President and a special gift from the President – a collection of the first Lithuanian monthly newspaper “Aušra” (1883-1886), which was donated on the initiative of the Head of State.
The 18th edition of the competition is organised by the Lithuanian Young Scientists’ Union, under the patronage of President Gitanas Nausėda.
Photo of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Lithuania / Robertas Dačkus
EERA 2025 Conference

We are pleased to invite you to register for the EERA 2025 conference “Charting the Way Forward: Education, Research, Potentials and Perspective“, which will take place in September 2025 in Belgrade, Serbia,University of Belgrade. The Early Researcher Conference 2025 (ERC) will take place on 8 September 2025, while the main EERA conference will take place from 9 September 2025 to 12 September 2025.
ERC and EERA 2025 will be held face-to-face at the University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Application period: 1 December 2024 – 31 January 2025. Late applications will not be accepted.
Read more:
EERA official website: here
In the attachment: here

We kindly invite you to view the recordings and photos of the LERA 2024 conference “Educational Uncertainty and Communication Challenges: the Intersection of Past and Future”.
Conference video recordings: here
Conference photos: here
The filming and photography was financed and carried out by the community of Vilnius Tech University, Faculty of Creative Industries.
Funding for the processing of the video material was provided by the Lithuanian Research Council (LRCLT), Contract No S-ACO-24-27

The XXXVI Education Forum “Vocational Training as a Field of Educational Research” took place on 21-11-2024. Prof. dr. V. Tūtlys (Professor, Department of Education Management and Policy, Vytautas Magnus University, Chief Researcher, Institute of Educational Research) presented a paper “Matching the demand and supply of skills in Lithuania and the recruitment of third-country nationals: prerequisites for sustainable development of employment and skills formation?”, dr. Lina Vaitkutė (Head of the Qualifications and Vocational Training Development Centre, Head of the Qualifications Formation Unit, Researcher at the Institute of Educational Research, Vytautas Magnus University) gave a presentation on the “Vocational Training Content Triggering Processes and their Problem Fields”, and dr. Albinas Kalvaitis (independent researcher) gave a presentation on the “Competences of Vocational Teachers Working in Continuing Vocational Training Programmes and the Possibility of Developing These Competences”.
Dr. Donatas Bakšys (Director of Panevėžys Vocational Training Centre), dr. Alicija Ramanauskaitė (Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre), assoc. prof. dr. Rita Mičiulienė (Vytautas Magnus University, Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre), and dr. N/ Pileičikienė (Director of the Kaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre) took part in the discussion. The forum was moderated by prof. dr. Raimonda Brunevičiūtė (Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association) and dr. Nora Pileičikienė (Director of Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre). The full recording of the forum available at LERA Youtube Channel: here

The Education Forum “Research-Based Practices in Primary Education Through the Eyes of Young Teachers” took place on 20-11-24. The presentation “Children’s Creativity Development Using Information and Communication Technologies in Primary School” was given by Kristina Saveljeva (scientific supervisor prof. dr. Rasa Braslauskienė, Klaipėda University). The presentation “Development of Third Grade Students’ Speaking Abilities by Analysing Visual Materials in Two Languages” was given by Guostė Streikutė (scientific supervisor prof. dr. Daiva Jakavonytė-Staškuvienė, Vytautas Magnus University). The presentation “Application of Timeline Tasks in Teaching Historical Time Understanding in Grade 3” was given by Otilija Ožalaitė (scientific supervisor: prof. dr. Aušra Žemgulienė).
The discussion was attended by Jurgita Blažienė (Head of Education, Vilnius Gediminas City School, expert teacher of primary classes), Irma Dobrovolskienė (expert teacher of primary classes, Vilnius Medeina Primary School), dr. Rasa Kulevičienė (Senior Lecturer at Klaipėda State College), Raimonda Petkūnienė (Primary School Teacher-Expert at Vilnius Maironio Pro-Gymnasium, Master of Education), Darius Savickas (Primary School Teacher at Taškis Primary School, Head of the Kindergarten Taškis Unit, Master of Business Management in the Educational Leadership Programme), Nadia Venskuvienė (Chief Specialist at the Ministry of Education Science and Sports, Lecturer at Vilnius University, Master of Education), Linas Vilčinskas (Primary School Teacher-Methodologist at Kėdainiai Senamiesčio Pro-Gymnasium). The forum was moderated by prof. dr. Daiva Jakavonytė-Staškuvienė (Member of the LERA Board). The full recording of the forum available at LERA Youtube Channel: here.

We kindly remind you that there are only 1 days left to register for this conference. We kindly invite to the XV international scientific conference “TEACHER EDUCATION IN THE XXI CENTURY: CHANGES AND PERSPECTIVES”, which will be held in November 29,2024 at the Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (84 Vytauto St., Šiauliai, 205 a.).
The conference is dedicated to the scientific and practical analysis of the training and education of teachers, professional experience, changes and perspectives in Lithuania and abroad and the dissemination of interdisciplinary researches in the context of the challenges of postmodern society. The international conference will provide an opportunity for scientists, researchers and professionals in various fields to share their theoretical knowledge, research results and educational practices with colleagues and the academic community.
The conference problem issues.
Teacher (self)education and professional development.
In order to strengthen the prestige of the pedagogical profession, the relevance of scientific discussions about the experience, change and perspectives of pedagogical (self)education is emerging. New challenges for teachers presuppose the need for their continuous learning, leadership and competence development. It is becoming important to analyse the expression of teachers’ professional growth and the factors that promote their well-being. In the conditions of rapid change of society, it is expedient to discuss the tendencies of pedagogical (self)education, which allow to create an educational process based on interdisciplinary teaching and (self)learning organization,
to promote cooperation and co-creation of all participants, to implement digital educational content, to create universal design learning environment.
Challenges for the implementation of inclusive education for the training of teachers and educational support professionals.
Upon entry into force of the amendments and additions to the Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania on September 1, 2024, it is stipulated that every child is provided with the conditions to be educated in the nearest educational institution together with his/her peers. The education system in Lithuania is based on the principle of inclusion, when conditions are created for each person to self-educate, develop their powers and abilities, receive the necessary help, experience success while learning in social, cultural and/or other activities and not be discriminated due to the diversity of educational needs and/or education assistance needs. With increasing student diversity and achieving the goals of quality education for each learner, it is important to analyse the competencies needed for teachers and educators in the context of inclusive education, collaborating and providing personalized support focused on each learner’s success and meaningful participation in the learning process.
Competences of teacher educators and their (self)improvement.
The professionalism of teacher educators is recognized as the most important factor in ensuring the quality of the teacher community, so it is important to analyse the values of teacher educators, strategies for working with students, assessment methods, ext. It is useful to share good practice on research-based studies, discuss how the personalization of the study program content is ensured, how the students’ age, life experience, social, cultural or linguistic environment or disability is taken into account. Therefore, in order to assess students’ existing competencies and predict in which areas they need to improve, teacher educators themselves need to have up-to-date competencies and professional development.
Conference languages: Lithuanian, English (plenary session presentations are translated into Lithuanian or English, as well as into Lithuanian sign language)
Conference venue: Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy (Vytauto St. 84, Šiauliai, Room 205) Conference certificates Certification certificates will be issued to the participants of the conference. Conference registration (until November 22, 2024)
Registration link: https://www.mokytoju-ugdymas.sa.vu.lt/en/registration-en
Conference fee* Conference fee for presenters – 20 Eur Conference fee without presentation – 15 Eur
For more information read: here
Information provided by Vilnius University Siauliai Academy
Spring 2025 Training on Various Topics in Academic Ethics

Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU) invites you to the training cycles “Ethical puzzles and their solutions”.
2025-04-18 – “Labyrinths of Authorship”
During the training you will gain practical knowledge about the principles of ethical authorship, learn how to recognise unethical authorship and what to do if you recognise it.
2025-05-16 – “Managing Conflicts of Interest in Scientific Activities. Depersonalizing Qualitative Research Data”
This training will introduce the practice of managing conflicts of interest in the conduct and publication of research.
The training will be conducted by dr. Loreta Tauginienė, KSU Vice-Rector.
Read more about the training: here

“Vocational Training as a Field of Educational Research”
We kindly remind you that tomorrow, 21-11-2024, the Education Forum “Vocational Training as a Field of Educational Research” will take place . We invite to participate educators of vocational training institutions: vocational training practitioners – managers, teachers, vocational teachers, administrators; vocational training policy makers; students of pedagogical programmes, educational and educational researchers, masters and doctoral students interested in research in the field of vocational training.
Date | 21 November 2024 |
Time | 3.00–5.00 p.m. |
Broadcasting | |
Moderators |
prof. dr. Raimonda Brunevičiūtė, Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association; Dr. Nora Pileičikienė, Director of Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre. |
Time | Theme | Key-note speakers and pannelists |
3.00–3.05 p.m. | Introduction | prof. dr. R. Brunevičiūtė |
3.05–3.25 p.m. | Matching Skills Demand and Supply in Lithuania andRecruitment of Third-Country Nationals: Preconditions for Sustainable Development of Employment and Skills Development |
key-note speaker prof. dr. V. Tūtlys |
3.25–3.40 p.m. | Discussion | pannelist dr. A. Kudarauskienė |
3.40–4.00 p.m. | Processes for Improving the Content of Vocational Training and Their Problem Areas |
key-note speaker dr. L. Vaitkutė |
4.00–4.15 p.m. | Discussion |
pannelist dr. A. Ramanauskaitė |
4.15–4.35 p.m. | For Continuing Vocational Training Programmes the Competences and the Opportunity to Develop These Competences | key-note speaker dr. A. Kalvaitis |
4.35–4.50 p.m. | Discussion |
panellist dr. D. Bakšys |
4.50–5.00 p.m. | Summary of discussion | dr. N. Pileičikienė |
Dr. Agnė Kudarauskienė, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania
Dr. Donatas Bakšys, Director of Panevėžys Training Centre;
Dr Alicija Ramanauskaitė, Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre;
Assoc. prof. dr. Rita Mičiulienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre.
About key-note speakers and their announcements
prof. dr. Vidmantas Tūtlys, professor of the Department of Education Management and Policy of Vytautas Magnus University, chief researcher of the Educational Research Institute. Research areas: policy and organization of initial and continuing professional training; national qualification systems and their development; human resource development and lifelong learning. Author and co-author of almost 100 publications.
The focus of the report “Matching the demand and supply of skills in Lithuania and the employment of third-country nationals: prerequisites for the sustainable development of employment and skills formation?” is the search for sustainable solutions in order to solve the problems of labor supply and demand mismatches and the lack of qualified workers. Based on a critical analysis of documents, interviews with representatives of policy implementation institutions, companies, employers’ organizations, trade unions, vocational training and higher education institutions, the mismatch between labor supply and demand and the problem of a shortage of qualified workers in five sectors of the Lithuanian economy are analyzed: international road transport, construction, engineering industry and metal processing, information technology, health care. A solution to the problems is sought by evaluating the economic, educational and employment policy perspectives, the choices of companies, sectoral organizations, social partners and vocational training institutions.
(The research is carried out on the basis of the EU Horizon Europe project SKILL PARTNERSHIPS FOR SUSTAINABLE AND JUST MIGRATION PATTERNS (SKILLS4JUSTICE) HORIZON-CL2-2023-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-03 No. 101132435)
Dr. Lina Vaitkutė, head of the Qualifications Formation Department of the Center for the Development of Qualifications and Vocational Training, researcher at the Research Institute of Education at Vytautas Magnus University, author and co-author of reviews of the Lithuanian qualifications system and vocational training initiatives for the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). Areas of scientific interest: transformation of vocational training, structures of qualifications and competences, formation of qualifications, curriculum studies.
The report “Processes of implementing vocational training content and their problem areas” reveals the reality of competence-based vocational training content implementation and the practice of training content implementation. By adopting a qualitative research approach, the perspective of vocational education practitioners and their challenges in contributing to the development of students’ competences and skill formation is highlighted. The report discusses the processes of mastering the content of vocational education and problem areas, after the transition to modular education, recommendations are presented for the practice and professional development of teachers of the profession.
Dr. Albinas Kalvaitis, independent researcher. Areas of research: studies of various problems of pre-school and general education and vocational training. Areas of scientific interest: sociology of education, education management. In the report “Competences of vocational teachers working in continuing professional education programs and the possibility of improving these competencies”, based on the information of the Register of Pedagogues, a “picture” of vocational teachers working in vocational training institutions is presented; the level of competences of vocational teachers working under continuing professional education programs and the place of assessment of these competences in the overall assessment of continuing professional education are discussed; the needs for professional development of vocational teachers working under continuing professional education programs are examined. The report was based on 2024. the results of the tests carried out:
• survey of students studying in continuing professional education programs, vocational teachers who teach them, and managers of PMI;
• survey of members of national vocational training methodological commissions.
Scientific and Organising Committee of the XXXVI Education Forum
Head – Prof. dr. Raimonda Brunevičiūtė, Head of the LERA Higher Education and Vocational Training Network.
Dr. Lina Vaitkutė, Centre for the Development of Qualifications and Vocational Training; Institute of Educational Research, Vytautas Magnus University;
Dr Nora Pileičikienė, Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre;
Dr Alicija Ramanauskaitė, Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre; LERA Higher Education and Vocational Training Network Committee.
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