VMU Summer School ”Doctoral Students Public Speech: Preparation and Presentation of Reports”, 2021
VMU Summer School, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
VMU Doctoral Student Club invites doctoral students and lecturers to participate in 4th VMU Summer School for doctoral students, which will be held on July, 19 – 23, 2021 at Vytautas Magnus university (Kaunas, V. Putvinskio st. 23, 103 aud.).
You will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills to present your scientific ideas in public, learn how to prepare your report, present material in a structured way, learn about various presentation tools that will be very helpful in speaking in public or defending your dissertation. You will receive 2 ECTS certificate proving your academic progress in the field of scientific presentation.
Language of instruction: Lithuanian.
More information and the program can be found on the website: https://dvm.vdu.lt/
EERA Summer School in Findland, 2021
EERA Summer School 2023
EERA Summer School ,,Beyond the Basics in Educational Research Methodology: Research Ethics in Educational Research”
The virtual, interactive Summer School 2021, hosted by the University of Jyväskylä, provides PhD/Doctoral students with an opportunity to present and receive feedback on their research, participate in online workshops related to their topic and methodology of research, and engage with research issues in their small tutorial groups, which offer safe and constructive spaces for debate and discussion. The aim of the EERA Summer School 2021 is to support the students in their endeavour in producing methodologically excellent research with sensitivity to ethical issues.
High quality student-centered constructivist pedagogy will be applied, and students’ learning will be enhanced by inspiring, international keynote lectures. The summer school offers a possibility to discuss one’s own research and ideas in a friendly, relaxed, and encouraging atmosphere. During the summer school, the students will have a possibility to work in online groups, which are organised based on research themes and methodological choices of their study. Interactive, innovative group work will be used, and various types of discussions and participatory activities.
Information from: https://eera-ecer.de/seasonschools/eera-summer-school-2021/eerss-2021-theme-and-aims/