Dialogue Lab 2024. The Prestige of the Teaching Profession 2025: Are We Getting Closer or Further Away?

We are kindly invite to register and mark 27 March 2024 in your calendars. On that day, for the third time in Lithuania, the “Dialogue Lab 2024: The Prestige of the Teaching Profession 2025: Are We Moving Closer or Further Away?” will take place in a unique format on education policy and practice.
We bring together education practitioners (teachers, educators), education administrators (school leaders), education policy makers, academics, doctoral students and researchers for a dialogue.
The Dialogue Lab provides an opportunity to collaborate, share knowledge, raise uncomfortable questions and generate futuristic ideas. This event format creates a sense of community, energy and authorship of new thinking and identity that emerges from the discussions and contributes to the process of shaping, embedding, sustained interest and co-creation of advanced practices.
The Dialogue Lab is not a meeting with presentations only “up front”, with participants sitting passively in chairs. It is not a consultation on the documents produced, proposing amendments. The format of this year’s Dialogue Lab 2024 will surprise participants – the pace, the exchange of ideas, the generation of evidence, the modelling of good practice – such exciting collaborative and know-how-based work awaits in the activity and adoption sessions.
The Dialogue Lab is an opportunity for practitioners, administrators, policy makers and researchers to create dialogue and polylogue through the sharing of best practice evidence-based experiences and practice-based design.
From a broader perspective, the Dialogue Lab opens up a broader discussion on how the concerns under discussion can be understood and addressed in research design, education policy and practice.
Event programme:
The event is organised by the Institute of Educational Research, Academy of Education, Vytautas Magnus University.
Information from the Institute of Educational Research, Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education.
For more information: https://svietimas.vdu.lt/renginiai/svietimo-renginys-dialogo-laboratorija-2024-mokytojo-profesijos-prestizas-2025-artejame-ar-tolstame/