Other events


ECER 2021

ECER 2021 (online) will take place over four and a half days, starting Monday morning 6 September and ending Friday 10 September at lunchtime. In addition to interactive paper sessions, research workshops, panel discussions, ignite talk sessions, poster sessions and symposia, there will be a poster exhibition and a publisher exhibition, both exhibitions offering opportunities to chat and/or get together for a one to one video meeting. It is  planned to have the keynote videos available prior to ECER and the ECER week will culminate with the Keynote Panel on Friday. There will be plenty of opportunities to socialise and network throughout the conference and there will be special activities organised by networks as well as Geneva-themed events hosted by the local organising committee in Geneva.

ECER 2021 conference in Geneva  will be online (click here for more information) and the call for proposals for ECER has now been published. EERA/ECER will release soon all the Special Calls of the Network. More information: https://eera-ecer.de/ecer-2021-geneva/

ECER 2020

Reconnecting EERA activities on the 23-28 th of August in 2020.

As you know, the ECER 2020 conference was canceled due to Covid2019. Instead, the European Association for Educational Research, of which we are members, has organized various activities aimed at bringing together European researchers in education. Plenary speeches here: https://eera-ecer.de/previous-ecers/ecer-2020-glasgow/reconnecting-eera-23-28-august-online

ECER 2019

ECER 2019 conference in Hamburg – ” Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future ” education on future issues.

The ECER 2019 conference took place on  the  2-6th  in 2021 in Hamburg. The second largest, one of the most beautiful cities in Germany, is located in the north, near the Elbe delta in the North Sea. This business, industrial and cultural center is the second largest port in Europe and the largest in Germany.

ECER is the main conference of the European Association for Educational Research (EERA). LERA is a collective member of EERA. Liudmila Rupšienė, President of the Lithuanian Association for Educational Research, informed that ECER 2019 had gathered almost 3,000 people from all over Europe and the world researching education. The Emerging Researchers’ Conference (ERC) was held for two days and the main conference for four days, with presentations at 37 international networks of researchers. Doctoral students make presentations not only at the Novice Researchers Conference, but many networks also accept doctoral students ’presentations at major conference sessions. Several doctoral students from Lithuania participated in the conference. In total, Lithuania was represented by over 40 announcements authors and co-authors, who prepared 31 announcements. 

ECER is a great opportunity for all participants to publish their research, get the latest news on educational science and educational practice, establish and strengthen international contacts, develop communication and collaboration. 

Summer schools

KTU Summer School


KTU PhD students‘ Summer School focuses on development of key competences required for achieving best results in successful defense of the doctoral dissertation and identifying further research directions. Therefore topics of our PhD Summer Schools include: management of scientific research data, writing of scientific articles, analysis of the subtleties of project management, research integrity and ethics, intellectual property and patent system, communication skills development, etc.

VMU Summer School


Tallin Summer School


Tallinn Summer School, organised since 2006, is a 3-week programme running in July, combining a wide range of courses with a rich, diverse cultural programme and attracting participants from all over the world. In addition to a variety of social events, participants visit museums, historical sights, places of cultural importance, and see some of the nature of Estonia on weekend trips to different locations within the country. Tallinn Summer School manages to maintain a scholarly approach alongside a relaxed atmosphere, studying at the same time as exploring the culture of Estonia.

Prague Summer School


Prague Summer Schools are weeklong academic programs, organized annually by SCHOLA EMPIRICA, a Prague-based NGO. The summer schools cover a broad range of disciplines within social sciences including European politics, economics, psychology, education, or behavioral sciences and focus on current developments using state-of-the-art research.

Helsinki Summer School


Helsinki Summer School is organised annually in August by the University of Helsinki. It is an international Summer School offering courses that cover a wide range of academic fields and multidisciplinary topics.

Summer Schools in Europe


ERRA Summer School


The annual EERA Summer Schools bring together about 70 emerging researchers from 20 – 30 countries, who are tutored and advised by experienced researchers. Some EERA networks conduct subject-specific season schools

Summer School in European Education Studies


Summer School in European Education Studies


Harvard Summer School


Summer schools 2023

The EERA Summer School will be held on the 26 – 30 of  June  in 2023. The EERA Summer School 2023 “Participatory approaches in educational research” aims to support doctoral students interested in bringing participants’ voices and actions to the core of educational research. This implies a diversification of research methods, but also a careful consideration of the ethics of research, and a continuous critical vigilance over the power of educational research and researchers.

The Summer School will create spaces to share, discuss and debate, allowing emerging researchers to interact with each other and with more experienced researchers, taking their own ideas as the point of departure for collaborative joint learning regarding the practices, the problems, and the challenges of participatory research-in-the-making. Tutors will include members from the four research centers – CIIE, CIEd, CIDTFF and CEAD – as well as international researchers who will share their expertise and experiences on a wide range of educational and social issues across all education sectors, from early years to higher education and adult education.

15 November 2022 – 31 January 2023

Aplication links. http://ow.ly/4ABT50LATAF

Information on acceptance
1 March 2023
2 March – 15 April 2023
Summer School
26 – 30 June 2023

Summer schools 2022

International Summer School on Qualitative Research 2022


On the  27th, 28th and 29th of  June 2022, the Educational Research Institute at Vytautas Magnus University in collaboration with the School of Social Researcher organize the International Summer School On Qualitative Research 2022 (ISS QR VMU 2020).

We are pleased to invite you to International Summer School on Qualitative Research 2022 at Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania.

This year we will meet online.

This year, we invite doctoral students and researchers to the advanced level courses. We do this at the request of our summer school participants, as experience shows that staying at a basic level is no longer worth it.

This year we made the decision to move forward. There will be three days of lectures and seminars. Each day will be devoted to a specific topic – Grounded Theory (Antony Bryant, Prof. PhD, Leeds Becket University, UK), Preparation of Quantitative and Qualitative Scientific Articles (Vilma Zydziunaite, Prof. PhD, Educational Research Institute, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) and Ethnography (Laura Purdy, PhD, Edge Hill University, UK).

The professors will aim to give you opportunities to ask questions and receive the specific answers. The main format  of learning will be lectures and seminars. Therefore, your questions, activity and interest will be important to the quality of the IISS QR VMU 2022.

Informational assistance at International Summer School on Qualitative Research 2022 will be provided by Vaida Jurgile, PhD (Educational Research Institute, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania).

Organisational communication assistance: Marius Daugela, PhD student, Educational Research Institute, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania.

Already book these dates  – 27, 28 and 29 June, 2022  – and book your time now. We will meet soon online – at the end of June 2022 to study research methodology Educational Research Institute at Vytautas Magnus University.

All information is here: https://gtsummerschool.vdu.lt/


Dates: 27, 28 and 29 June, 2022

Registration: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=iRNwEFtPeEC66iCeOcYhDueOr4ZMDdBOokJKzEmoJk1UNDE5VjVDWE1aUDFQSllQSTlGTklUSTEwVS4u

Information from the Institute of Education of Vytautas Magnus University

EERA summer school 2022

The EERA Summer School 2022 will be held 11 – 15 July 2022 at the University of Porto, Portugal. The theme of EERSS 2022 is “Research design from scratch: Making sense of the whats, whos and hows of your investigation”. 

The ERRA summer school  invites 60 – 70 doctoral students to apply to  five-day Summer School 11 – 15 July 2022 on the topic „Research design from scratch: Making sense of the whats, whos and hows of your investigation“.   The deadline for applications is from 2021 November 16 until 2022 January 31.

The EERA Summer School 2022 aims to support doctoral students in their efforts to develop research from scratch: from an idea to a solid project. This implies understanding the process of research design as a framework – supported by theory and epistemology – that guides methodological decisions, ensuring that the evidence collected really answers the research questions.  The Summer School will create spaces to share, discuss and debate, allowing emerging researchers to interact with each other and with more experienced researchers, taking their own ideas as the point of departure for collaborative joint learning regarding the practices, the problems and the challenges of research-in-the-making. Tutors will include members from the four research centers – CIIE, CIEd, CIDTDFF and CEAD – as well as international researchers who will share their expertise and experiences on a wide range of educational and social issues across all education sectors, from early years to higher education and adult education.

More about Summer School : https://eera-ecer.de/seasonschools/eera-summer-school-2022/


To apply to EERSS 2022:  https://www.conftool.net/eerss2022


Summer schools 2021

4th VMU Summer School Doctoral Students Public Speech: Preparation and Presentation of Reports

Dear Colleagues,


VMU Doctoral Student Club invites doctoral students and lecturers to participate in 4th VMU Summer School for doctoral students, which will be held on July, 19 – 23, 2021 at Vytautas Magnus university (Kaunas, V. Putvinskio st. 23, 103 aud.).

You will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills to present your scientific ideas in public, learn how to prepare your report, present material in a structured way, learn about various presentation tools that will be very helpful in speaking in public or defending your dissertation. You will receive 2 ECTS certificate proving your academic progress in the field of scientific presentation.

Language of instruction: Lithuanian.

More information and the program can be found on the website: https://dvm.vdu.lt/

Summer School in Findland

“Beyond the Basics in Educational Research Methodology: Research Ethics in Educational Research”

The virtual, interactive Summer School 2021, hosted by the University of Jyväskylä, provides PhD/Doctoral students with an opportunity to present and receive feedback on their research, participate in online workshops related to their topic and methodology of research, and engage with research issues in their small tutorial groups, which offer safe and constructive spaces for debate and discussion. The aim of the EERA Summer School 2021 is to support the students in their endeavour in producing methodologically excellent research with sensitivity to ethical issues.

High quality student-centered constructivist pedagogy will be applied, and students’ learning will be enhanced by inspiring, international keynote lectures. The summer school offers a possibility to discuss one’s own research and ideas in a friendly, relaxed, and encouraging atmosphere. During the summer school, the students will have a possibility to work in online groups, which are organised based on research themes and methodological choices of their study. Interactive, innovative group work will be used, and various types of discussions and participatory activities.

 Information from: https://eera-ecer.de/seasonschools/eera-summer-school-2021/eerss-2021-theme-and-aims/