We remind you that on June 30th. from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. the Educational  Forum “Science and Studies in Lithuania in the European Context – Are We Moving Towards Humboldt?”will  take place. 

We are kindly invite  to participate representatives of educational sciences, researchers, doctoral students, representatives of research and study institutions, all those who are affected by changes in education policy and higher education, issues of research and study quality.

Keynote speaker – prof. dr. Liudvika Leišytė

Prof. dr. Liudvika Leišytė is professor at the Dortmund University of Technology (Germany) and Vice-Director of the Centre for Higher Education and Studies. She was Chair of the Board of the Futura Scientia Association in 2020 and 2021. Prof. Leišytė research interests include changes in scientific and pedagogical work and organisational transformations in universities in the context of higher education and study reforms. After her doctoral studies at the University of Twente in 2007, in 2008-2009 Leišytė carried out a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University in the USA. In the spring of 2018, Leišytė was a visiting professor at Nagoya University in Japan, and in June 2019 she was a visiting professor at Stanford University, USA. Prof. Leišytė has published her research in a number of prestigious journals of higher education studies and public administration, and has published five books of research papers (monographs and peer-reviewed research studies). Prof. Leišytė has published about 100 publications, successfully completed about 30 research projects, and supervised 15 PhD students. In 2018, she and her co-authors received the Emerald Publishing House Literati Award for their publication in the journal Learning Organisation, which highlights the current issues of change in Lithuanian universities.

© Photographer Felix Schmale, Dortmund University of Technology

She is actively involved in scientific communities and expertise, is a member of the board of the German Association for Higher Education Studies, has participated in Horizon 2020, and is currently working on projects funded by the COST programme and the German Federal Ministry of Science and Education. Prof. L. Leišytė is coordinating the Lithuanian case study in the APIKS (Academic Profession in Knoweldge Based Societies) twenty-country 2016-2020 research project on the changing academic profession. As part of the Lithuanian case study, she collaborated with prof. Rimantas Želvis on data collection in Lithuania and on joint research publications. She has also been involved as an expert in evaluating applications from the European Research Council, various national research councils, the Lithuanian Research Council, the Norwegian Excellency and the German Stiftung Innovation in der Hochshullehre. Prof. Leišytė has worked for ten years as Institutional Assessment Coordinator for the European University Association, was re-elected to the International Advisory Board of the Hungarian Higher Education Accreditation Agency and to the Board of Futura Scientia.

For more information: https://hdhf.zhb.tu-dortmund.de/en/professorship/team/liudvika-leisyte/

Date June 30, 2022
Time 3.00–5.00 p.m.
Connecting links

https://zoom.us/j/82685018562?pwd=eFhSTC9JSHUyWDhrRTFHYVVZcTBpUT09 ( live broadcast)


Moderators dr. Rūta Petkutė, Fellow researcher at Kaunas University of Technology
Andrius Zalytis, Adviser to the Minister of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania
Forum programme
Introduction Prof. Artūras Žukauskas, Chair of the Committee on Education and Science, Parlament of the Republic of Lithuania
Keynote Theme ”Science and Studies in Lithuania in the European Context – Are We Moving Towards Humboldt? Insights from the Lithuanian Case Study APIKS”
Prof. dr. Liudvika Leišytė, Professor, Dortmund University of Technology (Germany), coordinator of the Lithuanian case study APIKS (Academic Profession in Knoweldge Based Societies)

Discussion participants:
Prof. dr. Ineta Dabašinskienė,
professor of Vytautas Magnus University, Institutional Coordinator of the European University Alliance Transform4EU
Prof. habil. dr. Palmira Jucevičienė, professor at Kaunas University of Technology, member of the Board of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association
Dr. Eugenijus Stumbrys, Head of the Science Policy and Analysis Division of the Lithuanian Science Council
Almantas Šerpatauskas, Director of the Centre for Quality Assessment of Studies
dr. Laima Taparauskienė, Director of the Department of Studies, Science and Technology, Ministry of Education

Conclusion prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė, President of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association
prof. dr. Loreta Žadeikaitė, Chief Adviser of the Department of Studies, Science and Technology of Ministry of Education, Science and Sports.
Contact information e – mail: [email protected], tel. 8,686,392;
e – mail:  [email protected], tel. 8,686,2364.