On the 13 – 14 th of October 2022, the 6th LERA Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA) Scientific Conference EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE AND RESEARCH IN THE TURBULENT WORLD was held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Lithuanian University. The welcoming speech was given by prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė, President of LERA, prof. dr. Lina Kaminskienė, Chancellor of the Academy of Education of VMU, and the Minister of Education, Science and Sports, dr. Jurgita Šiugždinienė, joined the greetings
Plenary presentations were held in three sections. In the first section, “Unpredictable Futures and the Change of Education and Training“, presentations were given by prof. habil. dr. Palmira Jucevičienė (KTU), “Challenges of Unpredictable and Unpredictable Futures for Education and Training”, and prof. dr. Peter Rado (Central European University), “Educating for Uncertainties?”. The session was moderated by prof. dr. Jolanta Urbanovič (MRU), dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė (School Improvement Centre). In the second section “FROM PRESENT EDUCATION CONCERNS TO FUTURE PREDICTIONS”, presentations were given by Ričardas Ališauskas (Head of the Strategic Planning Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania) “On Education Concerns”, prof. dr. Lilija Duoblienė (Vilnius University of Technology) “What kind of Lithuanian schools do we expect in 2050 and what is the value of futuristic predictions”. In the third section “VALUES IN EDUCATION PRACTICE AND RESEARCH: OBJECTIVES AND THEIR CHANGE IN THE CONDITIONS OF CRITICAL SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS”, presentations were given by prof. dr. Irena Leliūgienė (MRU) “The Aspirations of the Education of Values and Ideals in the Public Speeches of the Rectors of the University of Lithuania in the Conditions of Military Threats and Political Conflicts in the Country in 1922-1940″. prof. dr. Natalija Mažeikienė (MRU) “Integration of the Gender Dimension in the Research of Educational Sciences”. The session was moderated by prof. dr. Lilija Duoblienė (VU) and prof. dr. Aušra Kazlauskienė (VU ŠA). The contact conference was attended by about 100 participants, the plenary presentations were streamed live on Youtube channel https://youtu.be/r0uKQdNNQxU. The session was funded by the Research Council of Lithuania Plenary presentations can be viewed at any time.
The second day of presentations was held remotely via 17 networks, i.e. The network was hosted by the Early Education and Vocational Training Network, the General Education Network, the Pre-school Education Network, the Arts Education Network, the Lifelong Learning Network, the Professional Development of Teachers Network, the Teacher Training Network, the Primary Education Network, the Social Education Network, and the Sports Education Network, Social Sexuality and Education Network, Health and Well-being Network, Educational Management and Leadership Network, Research Methodology Network, Educational Philosophy and Education Policy Network, History of Education and Education Network, Inclusive Education Network, and the Education Researchers Emeritus Network. Around 150 presentations were given, research findings were shared and discussions were held. This LERA conference strengthened the cooperation between all those who are close to scientific ideas in education, research, practice, etc.