On the 12th of May, this year on the basis of the XXIV Education Forum “Leadership in Lithuanian Schools: at the Crossroads of Traditional and Critical Approaches”, the article “Effective Leadership in Education: Challenges are Charting New Directions” was published in “Education News”.
We are kindly invite you to read!
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Lithuanian Educational Research Association organised the XXIV Education Forum, inviting educational researchers, doctoral students, analysts, heads of educational institutions, teachers, representatives of municipal education departments and regional teacher education centres, non-formal education specialists, and all those who are interested in the problems of educational leadership and possible solutions to them.
The Forum brought together three presentations on the topic of leadership in education, addressing important issues in this field from different perspectives, discussing the challenges of change, and proposing solutions based on experience and insights.
Read more: https://www.svietimonaujienos.lt/veiksminga-lyderyste-svietime-issukiai-brezia-naujas-kryptis