On the 28 th of April, 2022, the Educational Forum “Educating Ukrainian Children in Lithuania: Looking for Research-Based Solutions” was held. The introduction was given by Aistė Kairienė (Adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania on Education, Science, Innovation and Non-Governmental Organisations), prof. dr. Oksana Zabolotna (President of the Association of Educational Researchers of Ukraine). Over 100 participants participated in this forum. Simultaneous interpretation in Lithuanian and Ukrainian was used.
As many as five keynote speeches were presented. The first presentation “Models of Integration of Pupils from Migrant Families into Schools: Experiences and Solutions in European Countries” was given by dr. Barbara Stankevich (Analyst, Institute of Educational Research and Innovation), prof. dr. Jolanta Urbanovič (Vice President of the Lithuanian Association for Educational Research and Professor at Mykolas Romeris University). The second presentation “Ukrainian Models of Organising Children’s Education in Lithuanian Municipalities” was given by prof. dr. Daiva Jakavonytė-Staškuvienė (professor at Vytautas Magnus University, Inspector of pre-school and primary education at the European Commission of the European Commission), Kristina Paulikė (Methodologist at the National Agency for Education, Renata Bernotienė (Lecturer at Vytautas Magnus University). The third presentation, “We created a Classroom for Ukrainian Children: When Education Policy Decisions Chase Civic Initiatives” was given by sister Viktorija Voidogaitė (PhD student, Vilnius University), Agnė Klimčauskaitė-Janavičienė (Representative of the Lithuanian-Ukrainian Educational Initiative). The fourth presentation “The First Month in Lithuanian Schools: Experiences of Ukrainian Children Fleeing the War” was given by dr. Aleksandra Batuchina (Associate Professor, Klaipėda University), dr. Milda Ratkevičienė (Researcher, Klaipėda University and Kaunas University of Technology). The fifth presentation “Ukrainian Children in Lithuanian Schools: How to Meet Their Needs?” was given by Nida Poderienė (Junior Researcher, Institute of Lithuanian Language), Aurelija Tamulionienė (Researcher, Institute of Lithuanian Language). The discussion was attended by Aidas Aldakauskas (Director of the Department of Education Quality and Regional Policy, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport), Laura Juozaitytė (Senior Advisor to the Chancellery of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania), Nina Movčan (Principal of Dmitrushkivsky Lyceum, Cherkassy district, Ukraine), dr. Karolis Žibas (Integration Expert, United NationsHCR). The conclusion was given by prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė (President of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association) and prof. dr. Loreta Žadeikaitė (Chief Adviser, Department of Studies, Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport). The forum was moderated by PhD student Vaiva Juškienė (Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Vilnius College, member of the Board of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association), Audronė Šuminienė (Adviser, Department of General Education, Division of Primary and Secondary Education, General Education Department). The forum was organised by the Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA), the Lithuanian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and the Ukrainian Educational Research Association (UERA). The recording of the forum available at Yuotube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3g9OFip3To
The publication based on LERA forum in Education News: https://www.svietimonaujienos.lt/aktualioji-edukologija-vaiku-is-ukrainos-ugdymas-lietuvoje/?fbclid=IwAR3pdLVZxRSh1zyWWHcXVlE9HDCnxbRBh4Gbk-OO