Congratulations to the new PhD Bin Wang on the successful defence his PhD thesis: Professional Teacher Training and Development of Competencies in the Context of Evolution of the Skills Formation System in China (Education Science (S 007), scientific supervisor – prof. habil. dr. Genutė Gedvilienė, scientific consultant – prof. dr. Vidmantas Tūtlys).
The dissertation is available at the Vytautas Magnus University and the Lithuanian National M. Mažvydas Library.
The dissertation is available at 11 Studentų Str., Academy., Kaunas district.
A short annotation of doctoral dissertation is presented below :
This dissertation is a study of Chinese VET teachers’ competence development from an international perspective, focusing on the internal and external determinants of professional development of VET teachers. By comparing the current situation of professional teacher education and competency development in China and in different countries around the world, the dissertation analyses and summarises the experiences of professional teachers, highlights the challenges, makes predictions for future directions of development, and provides relevant recommendations. The quantitative research carried out in the dissertation correlates with the analysis of the research presented in the theoretical part. Government and education authorities’ policies and financial support, school-enterprise cooperation, training and continuing education, enterprise skills development and apprenticeship opportunities, teachers’ titles, years of training, educational background and teacher’s intention to improve are important factors influencing the development of vocational teachers and the development of competences. The regression analysis found that teachers’ development intentions, national policies, cooperation between schools and enterprises, and skills competitions are significant for the formation and development of VET teacher competences. Looking at the results of the quantitative and qualitative research, it is noteworthy that the findings of the thesis are in line with the Attribution Theory (Heider, 1958) cited in the literature, which reveals the influence of different internal and external factors on the preparation and competence development of Chinese vocational teachers. The cross-sectional study presented in this dissertation showed that intrinsic factors, such as career motivation and interest in learning, and extrinsic factors, such as the learning environment and learning support, can promote teachers’ professional development. The competences most lacking in VET teachers are job orientation, certification of professional skills, mastery of new technologies, and awareness of international contexts. Improving the competences of Chinese VET teachers should start with the implementation of internal and external factors, and the development of the self-development competences of vocational teachers.
Dissertation Defense Council:
Chair – prof. dr. Aušra Rutkienė (Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education, Social Sciences, Education S 007),
Assoc. dr. Nijolė Čiučiulkienė (Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education, Social Sciences, Education S 007),
dr. Estela Daukšienė (Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education, Social Sciences, Education S 007),
Associate professor Tomas Butvilas (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Education S 007),
Prof. dr. Erno August Lehtinen (Vytautas Magnus University, University of Turku, Social Sciences, Education S 007).