Congratulations to the new PhD Rasa Ddžiulienė on the successful defence of her doctoral thesis.

 Congratulations to the new PhD  Rasa Didžiulienė on successfully defending her doctoral dissertation “Subjective Perception of Professional Happiness in the Teachers’ Community: a Comparison of Gender Aspects” (Education Sciences (S 007), scientific  supervisor – prof. dr. Genutė Gedvilienė) and on acquiring  the degree of PhD  of Social Sciences in the  field of Educational Sciences.

The dissertation is available at Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian National M. Mažvydas Library.
The dissertation is available at  11 Studentų St., Akademy, Kaunas district, Lithuania.

A  brief annotation of the thesis is presented below:

This dissertation examines the subjective perception of professional happiness in the teacher community from a gender perspective. How does the construct of subjective perception of professional happiness manifest itself in the Lithuanian teacher community? What types of teachers exist according to the attribute under study (subjective perception of professional happiness) and what is the relative prevalence of these types in the Lithuanian teacher community? What gender differences exist in terms of: a) subjective perceptions of happiness in the teaching profession; b) the distribution of teachers’ internal psychological personality traits and the professional and working environment?

The theoretical part of the dissertation analyses the development and transformations of the concept of professional happiness of teachers, discusses the psychosocial portrait of the Lithuanian teacher, reveals the harmony between the subjective sense of happiness and the world of work, and the effects of gender in the professional activity. In addition, the multidimensionality of the construct of professional happiness is highlighted and its analysis in terms of content components is carried out. The empirical study reveals the expression of social and occupational context factors and the links to occupational happiness in a population of general education teachers (N=1902). This study is likely to help to identify important factors in teachers’ perceptions of professional happiness and to stimulate teachers’ reflection and positive personality change in the development of this topic and in the purification of the notions of professional happiness in the whole school community.

Dissertation  Defence  Council: Aušra Rutkienė (Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Education S 007).
Assoc. prof. Ilona Tandzegolskienė-Bielaglovė (Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Education S 007),
prof. Rūta Girdzijauskienė (Klaipėda University, Social Sciences, Education S 007),
prof. Valdonė Indrašienė (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Education S 007),
dr. Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak (University of Bialystok, Poland).