LERA 2024 Conference “Education Uncertainty and Communication Challenges: the Intersection of Past and Future”
We are kindly remind and invite education practitioners, education researchers, masters students, doctoral students, university lecturers, education and social policy makers, representatives of scientific associations and non-governmental organisations, and all those who are interested in educational research to participate in the 8th Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA) conference “Education Uncertainty and Communication Challenges: The Intersection of Past and Future”, which will be held on 17 and 18 October 2024 and will take place at the Faculty of Creative Industries of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University ( 1 Trakų St, 01132 Vilnius).
The variety and abundance of technologies and communication channels raises many questions for education: what and how to teach? How much technology should be included in the educational process? How to engage learners? how to prepare children and young people for the future? how to develop personality? how to communicate? These and similar questions will be addressed during the LERA 2024 conference. The conference will also explore the phenomenon of educational uncertainty and the challenges of communication at the intersection of past and future.
The first day of the conference (17 October) is dedicated to plenary presentations, scientific debates and other general activities. The proceedings will take place at the Faculty of Creative Industries of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (1 Trakų St., 01132 Vilnius). The second day of the conference (18 October) will be dedicated to breakout sessions. The breakout sessions are planned in two sessions of 1.5 hours each, with oral and poster presentations and discussions. Filming and photography will be available during the event. The deadline for registering for the conference with a paper and, if necessary, adjusting the title of the paper is 30 September 2024. For participants without a presentation, the deadline for registration is 14 October 2024.
Preliminary conference programme: here
Registration link: here