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We remind you about the upcoming forum, which will be held on May 25. 3.00-5.00 p.m.

We are kindly invite education and training researchers, postgraduates, doctoral students, lecturers, education and social policy makers, school administrators, representatives of teachers’ associations and NGOs, teachers, teacher trainers, and all those who are interested in education and training issues to participate.


About the  key-note speaker:

Evaldas Bakonis is the Head of the Education Policy Analysis and Research Unit at the Monitoring and Evaluation Department of the National Education Agency, and the Coordinator of the OECD Education Network INES NESLI in Lithuania. For the last decade, Evaldas Bakonis has been interested in the field of education policy formulation, implementation of education decisions, and measurement of education quality. During his long career in education, E. Bakonis has published about 20 textbooks and teaching aids for general education schools, about 20 scientific articles on history and history didactics, about 100 other publications.

Date 25th of May, 2023
Time 3.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m.

Zoom: https://liedm.zoom.us/j/4694961224
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@nacionalinesvietimoagentur752

Moderators dr. Asta Ranonytė, National Education Agency, Deputy Director;
dr. Robert Leshchinskij, Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries, VILNIUS TECH, member of the LETA Board.
Key-note Data from the National Education Agency and How to Use Them.
Eduardas Daujotis, Director of the Infrastructure Development Department of the National Education Agency, and Evaldas Bakonis, Head of the Education Policy Analysis and Research Division of the National Education Agency. 
Panellists dr. Aleksei Iurasov, Professor at Vilnius TECH
dr. Agnė Brandišauskienė, Senior Researcher, Institute of Education, Vytautas Magnus University, Academy of Education
dr. Arūnas Emeljanovas, Professor, Lithuanian Sport University
prof. dr. Audronė Jakaitienė, Head of the Interdisciplinary Statistical Research Group, Senior Researcher, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies, Vilnius University
Rimantas Žylius, Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania
Conclusions dr. Asta Ranonytė, dr. Robert Leščinskij

Forum Organisers

Scientific and Organising Committee of the XXV Education Forum Head – prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė, President of LERA.
Consultant – Dr. Loreta Žadeikaitė, Senior Advisor, Department of Studies, Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.
Rūta Krasauskienė, Director of the NEA;
Dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė, LERA Vice President, Founder and Director of the School Improvement Centre
Dr. Asta Ranonytė, Deputy Director of the NEA;
Dr. Robert Leščinskij, Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries, Vilnius TECH, member of the LERA Board.
Contact information  LERA, e-mail: liudmila.rupsiene@ku.lt, tel. 8 686 39 529;
NEA Communications and Contact Department, tel. 8 658 18061,
e-mail: info@nsa.smm.lt.