informatinis mastymas

On the 24th of November in 2022, the 19th Education Forum ”“Informatic Thinking on the Road to Digital Transformation: How not to Get Lost?”. The key-note ,,Informatic Thinking on the Road to Digital Transformation: How not to Get Lost?”. was presented by prof. dr. Valentina Dagienė (Chief Researcher, Faculties of Philosophy, Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University).


The discussion was attended by: Indrė Šuolienė (Head of the project “Digital Transformation of Education (“EdTech”)”), Daiva Viskontienė (Director of CSC “Business Machines Company”), Mantas Vaišnoras (Project manager of CSC “Business Machines Company”), prof. dr. Airina Volungevičienė (Director of the Institute of Innovative Studies of Vytautas Magnus University), Antanas Balvočius (member of the DigComp Community of Practice (DigComp CoP) community, which is developing the European Commission’s digital competence project for the new DigCom 2.2 version), assoc. prof. dr. Haroldas Giedra (Lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, VU). The conclusion was given by prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė (President of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association), prof. dr. Loreta Žadeikaitė (Chief Adviser of the Department of Studies, Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education,Science and Sport). The forum was moderated by doc. dr. Berita Simonaitienė (Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Kaunas University of Technology), dr. Vaino Brazdeikis (Director of the Department of Educational Content of the National Education Agency). The full recording of the forum can be viewed on Youtube at: