In 2023 dr. Vaiva Vaicekauskienė would have turned 60 years old. During her prematurely ended life, Vaiva left a strong imprint on Lithuanian education. We are kindly invite you to the afternoon dedicated to the memory of Vaiva, which will be held in 2023 of May 29th,  3.30 p.m. In the School Improvement Center (Vilnius St. 39). We will talk about Vaiva’s legacy in creating the Good School conception and other strategic education documents, preparing general programs and textbooks for the subject of ethics, contributing to the conceptualization and practical implementation of education policy.
Vaiva’s friends, colleagues  will share their insights. In this  will participate Violeta Jonynienė, dr. Ramutė Bruzgelevičienė, Vaidas Bacys, Virginija Būdienė, Gražvydas Kazakevičius, dr. Daiva Penkauskienė, dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė and other participants of the event.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone who would like to come together and remember the bright memory of Vaiva.
Please confirm your attendance:

Centre for Contemporary Didactics
Centre for School Improvement