LERA President dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė’s announcement “The Paradigm of Free Education: Are We ploughing on or Are We Irreversibly Moving Away?”

On the 8th of May  in 2024,  a conference “Crossroads and Labyrinths of Educational Reforms” dedicated to Meilė Lukšienė took place at Vilnius College.

The idea of the conference was to share ideas on the importance of national identity, language education, and preservation, how to reconcile global and national, how to achieve educational harmony from kindergarten to senior classes?
Dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė, (Head of the School Improvement Centre, Researcher at KU, President of LERA)  presented an announcement  “The Paradigm of Free Education: Are We Ploughing on or Are We Irreversibly Moving Away?”
The full announcement:  here