
On 17-18 October 2024, the LERA 2024 conference “Educational Uncertainty and Communication Challenges: the Intersection of Past and Future” was organised by LERA in cooperation with the Vilnius Tech Faculty of Creative Industries. Dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė (President of LERA), prof. Dr. Živilė Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė (Vice-Rector of Studies at Vilnius Tech), Minister of Education, Science and Sport Ignas Gaižiūnas, advisor to the president dr. Jūratė Litvinaitė gave the welcome speech. On 17 October, plenary lectures were given. In the first part of the session, prof. dr. Lina Markauskaitė (Professor, University of Sydney) gave a presentation on “Epistemic Flexibility and Current Technological Contexts of Education”, and prof. dr. Živilė Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė (Vice-Rector of Vilnius Tech) shared a presentation on “Learning Expectations of Millennial Generation Students and Opportunities for Universities”. Prof. dr. Algis Mickūnas (Professor, Athens (Ohio) University) gave a presentation on “Learning for Uncertainty”.



The plenary part of the second session was rounded off by a presentation on “Educational Leadership in an Age of Uncertainty” by prof. dr. Olena Chepelyuk (Rector of the National Technical University of Kherson, Ukraine), a guest from Ukraine. Also dr. Moira V.FAUL ( Executive Director of NORRAG (Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training) and Daiva Penkauskiene (Associate Professor at Mykolas Romeris University) and Eglė Pranckūnienė (Research Fellow at  Klaipėda University) presented an anouncement on “The Duty to Act in the Face of Uncertainty: the Testimonies of the Pioneers of Education Reform”.

The third session was devoted to a panel discussion.The panel discussion was attended by Olena Chepelyuk (Kherson University), assoc. prof. dr. Robert Leshchinskij (Vilnius Tech), Živilė Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė (Vilnius Tech), Daiva Penkauskienė (MRU). Eglė Pranckūnienė (KU). The first day of the conference was moderated by dr. Eglė Pranckūnienė (President of LERA),Ilona Valantinaitė (Professor at Vilnius TECH),  Robert Leščinskij ( Associate prof., dean of the Creative Industries at Vilnius TECH), Liudmila Rupšienė (Vice President of LERA, professor at Klaipėda University), Prof. Dr. Lina Kaminskienė (Vice President of LERA,  Cancellor of the Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education).

The second day was an intensive session of presentations. More than 100 papers were read, intensive discussions and reflections took place in 15 sections. There was also a concluding discussion on the present, future and breakthrough opportunities for education science. The discussion was attended by Prof. dr. Lina Kaminskienė (Vytautas Magnus University), prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė (Klaipėda University), prof. dr. Romas Prakapas (Mykolas Romeris University), prof. dr. Jogaila Vaitekaitis (Vilnius University), and the LRC representative Jurgita Verbickienė (VU).

The Emeriti Section part of the conference took place on 21 October 2024. 10 emeriti participated and 5 announcements  were  presented. Some emeriti attended and gave presentations in the sections.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Vilnius Tech for their help in organising the conference, for the warm welcome, and for the donation of the conference filming and photography.

The recordings of this conference will be published shortly.

You can view the photos of this conference at: https://lera.lt/leta-2024-konferencijos-nuotrauku-galerija/?et_fb=1&PageSpeed=off

Partial funding for this conference was provided by the Lithuanian Research Council.