On the 28th of September in 2023, 3.00 – 5.00 p.m., the Education Forum “Lithuanian Primary School Children’ Success in International Reading Tests: How to Ensure Sustainability?” was held. The keynote speech “How Lithuanian Primary School Children Withstood the Challenges of the Pandemic: the Results of the IEA PIRLS 2021” was given by dr. Ramutė Skripkienė (Researcher, Achievement Research Unit, National Coordinator of the IEA PIRLS). The discussion was attended by dr. Aušra Žemgulienė (Associate Professor, Institute of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Head of the Childhood Pedagogy study programme), dr. Aušra Daugirdienė (Associate Professor, Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University, Chief Researcher, Institute of Educational Research, Vytautas Magnus University), dr. Linas Jašinauskas (assistant professor of the Academy of Education of Vytautas Magnus University, head of the Department of Modern Didactics), Tautvydas Kelpšas (primary school teacher of the classical education school of Kaunas VDU).
The discussion was moderated by prof. dr. Daiva Jakavonytė – Staškuvienė (member of the board of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association, professor at Vytautas the Great University), doc. dr. Jolita Kudinovienė (associate professor at the Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education, head of the Preschool and Primary Education Department). The forum recording is available at YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oPG22cQZ9U