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 Network Activities 2023

Network Activities 2023

  • VII Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LETA) Conference “Education and Training: The Value of Diversity,” October 2023
  • ECER 2023, Glasgow, August 21-25, 2023 Network: 17. Histories of Education presented 3 papers:
    1. Monika Orechova “Between a Hammer and a Hard Place: the Concept of Internationalisation in Central and Eastern Europe after 1990”
    2. Ingrida Ivanavičė, Irena Stonkuvienė “Between Past and Future: the Case of Roma Education in Vilnius”
    3. Irena Stonkuvienė, Ingrida Ivanavičė “Internationalism with a Human Face or Russification: Internationalist Upbringing in Schools of the Lithuanian SSR”
  • 6 papers were presented in the History of Education network:
    1. Ingrida Ivanavičė, Vilnius University “Oral History as a Reconstruction of the Reality of Education during the Soviet Period: Education of the Roma Ethnic Group in Lithuania”
    2. Monika Orechova, Vilnius University “History in Educational Research: The Concept of Eastern Europe in International Educational Publications in 1990–2000”
    3. Viktorija Voidogaitė, Vilnius University “Catholic Education in Lithuania: Context and Significance”
    4. Nerijus Pipiras, Vytautas Magnus University “New Educational Horizons according to Archbishop Mečislovas Reinys”
    5. Gintė Marija Ivanauskienė, Vilnius University “Contemporary Trends in Democratic Education”
    6. Irena Leliūgienė, Mykolas Romeris University “Attention to the Value of Social Education in the Historical Flow of Constant Changes in Education and Training”
  • Participation in the 44th ISCHE World Conference of the History of Education “Histories of Education and Reform: Traditions, Tensions, and Transitions” (July 18–21, 2023, Budapest, Hungary, July 24–25, online), two papers presented (by Ingrida Ivanavičė and Irena Stonkuvienė).
  • Representation of Lithuania in the International Seminar on the History of Education “State as the Owner of Education. Involvement of Totalitarian Regimes in the Field of Education in Europe in the Second Half of the 20th Century,” Trnava University in Trnava (Slovakia), October 12-13, 2023 (by Irena Stonkuvienė).