On the 3 rd of March in 2022, the Lifelong Learning Network held its annual meeting, during which a candidate for the post of LERA President was offered (Prof. dr. L. Rupšienė) and the Chair of the LifeLong Learning Network was elected (Prof. habil. dr. P. Jucevičienė).
In 2022, the Lifelong Learning Network had 34 members.
The main focus of the network was to prepare for and participate in the LERA Conference.
On the 29th of September in 2022, a meeting of the Network members was held to discuss the announcements to be presented at the LERA conference.
At the LERA conference held at the VMU on the 13-14th of October in 2022, 10 announcememts were presented in the Lifelong section. It should be noted that all the presented announcements were united by the concept of lifelong learning, but their themes represented several directions: the dominant theme was lifelong learning related to higher education (5 announcements), lifelong learning and social education dominated in 2 announcements, 2 announcements were devoted to philosophical and theoretical problems of lifelong learning education and 1 announcement was devoted to the development of the thinking of employees of the public administration in lifelong learning. One announcement (“Challenges for Education and Training in an Unpredictable and Unpredictable Future”) was presented by a representative of the Lifelong Learning Network (prof. habil. dr. P. Jucevičienė) at the plenary session of the conference.