Network Activities 2023

Network Activities 2023

1. Presentation of the scientific monograph by L. J. Piličiauskaitė and G. Gabnytė „Emocinio imitavimo metodas muzikos mokykloje: kūrinio interpretacijos aspektas  mokinio muzikinės kultūros ugdymo kontekste“  („The Method of Emotional Imitation in Music School: the Aspect of the Interpretation of a Piece of Music in the Context of Developing the Student’s Musical Culture”) (26 April 2023);

2. Distance scientific conference for students – future teachers of art subjects „Teorijos žingsniai praktikos link“ (“Steps of theory towards practice”) (26 April 2023);

3. Organisation of the Republican Scientific Practical Conference „Muzikos meno, mokslo ir edukacijos jungtys: įžvalgos, patirtys, sprendimai“ (“Connections between Music Art, Science and Education: Insights, Experiences, Solutions”) (27 September 2023)