“Vocational Training as a Field of Educational Research”
We kindly remind you that tomorrow, 21-11-2024, the Education Forum “Vocational Training as a Field of Educational Research” will take place . We invite to participate educators of vocational training institutions: vocational training practitioners – managers, teachers, vocational teachers, administrators; vocational training policy makers; students of pedagogical programmes, educational and educational researchers, masters and doctoral students interested in research in the field of vocational training.
Date | 21 November 2024 |
Time | 3.00–5.00 p.m. |
Broadcasting | |
Moderators |
prof. dr. Raimonda Brunevičiūtė, Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association; Dr. Nora Pileičikienė, Director of Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre. |
Time | Theme | Key-note speakers and pannelists |
3.00–3.05 p.m. | Introduction | prof. dr. R. Brunevičiūtė |
3.05–3.25 p.m. | Matching Skills Demand and Supply in Lithuania andRecruitment of Third-Country Nationals: Preconditions for Sustainable Development of Employment and Skills Development |
key-note speaker prof. dr. V. Tūtlys |
3.25–3.40 p.m. | Discussion | pannelist dr. A. Kudarauskienė |
3.40–4.00 p.m. | Processes for Improving the Content of Vocational Training and Their Problem Areas |
key-note speaker dr. L. Vaitkutė |
4.00–4.15 p.m. | Discussion |
pannelist dr. A. Ramanauskaitė |
4.15–4.35 p.m. | For Continuing Vocational Training Programmes the Competences and the Opportunity to Develop These Competences | key-note speaker dr. A. Kalvaitis |
4.35–4.50 p.m. | Discussion |
panellist dr. D. Bakšys |
4.50–5.00 p.m. | Summary of discussion | dr. N. Pileičikienė |
Dr. Agnė Kudarauskienė, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania
Dr. Donatas Bakšys, Director of Panevėžys Training Centre;
Dr Alicija Ramanauskaitė, Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre;
Assoc. prof. dr. Rita Mičiulienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre.
About key-note speakers and their announcements
prof. dr. Vidmantas Tūtlys, professor of the Department of Education Management and Policy of Vytautas Magnus University, chief researcher of the Educational Research Institute. Research areas: policy and organization of initial and continuing professional training; national qualification systems and their development; human resource development and lifelong learning. Author and co-author of almost 100 publications.
The focus of the report “Matching the demand and supply of skills in Lithuania and the employment of third-country nationals: prerequisites for the sustainable development of employment and skills formation?” is the search for sustainable solutions in order to solve the problems of labor supply and demand mismatches and the lack of qualified workers. Based on a critical analysis of documents, interviews with representatives of policy implementation institutions, companies, employers’ organizations, trade unions, vocational training and higher education institutions, the mismatch between labor supply and demand and the problem of a shortage of qualified workers in five sectors of the Lithuanian economy are analyzed: international road transport, construction, engineering industry and metal processing, information technology, health care. A solution to the problems is sought by evaluating the economic, educational and employment policy perspectives, the choices of companies, sectoral organizations, social partners and vocational training institutions.
(The research is carried out on the basis of the EU Horizon Europe project SKILL PARTNERSHIPS FOR SUSTAINABLE AND JUST MIGRATION PATTERNS (SKILLS4JUSTICE) HORIZON-CL2-2023-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-03 No. 101132435)
Dr. Lina Vaitkutė, head of the Qualifications Formation Department of the Center for the Development of Qualifications and Vocational Training, researcher at the Research Institute of Education at Vytautas Magnus University, author and co-author of reviews of the Lithuanian qualifications system and vocational training initiatives for the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). Areas of scientific interest: transformation of vocational training, structures of qualifications and competences, formation of qualifications, curriculum studies.
The report “Processes of implementing vocational training content and their problem areas” reveals the reality of competence-based vocational training content implementation and the practice of training content implementation. By adopting a qualitative research approach, the perspective of vocational education practitioners and their challenges in contributing to the development of students’ competences and skill formation is highlighted. The report discusses the processes of mastering the content of vocational education and problem areas, after the transition to modular education, recommendations are presented for the practice and professional development of teachers of the profession.
Dr. Albinas Kalvaitis, independent researcher. Areas of research: studies of various problems of pre-school and general education and vocational training. Areas of scientific interest: sociology of education, education management. In the report “Competences of vocational teachers working in continuing professional education programs and the possibility of improving these competencies”, based on the information of the Register of Pedagogues, a “picture” of vocational teachers working in vocational training institutions is presented; the level of competences of vocational teachers working under continuing professional education programs and the place of assessment of these competences in the overall assessment of continuing professional education are discussed; the needs for professional development of vocational teachers working under continuing professional education programs are examined. The report was based on 2024. the results of the tests carried out:
• survey of students studying in continuing professional education programs, vocational teachers who teach them, and managers of PMI;
• survey of members of national vocational training methodological commissions.
Scientific and Organising Committee of the XXXVI Education Forum
Head – Prof. dr. Raimonda Brunevičiūtė, Head of the LERA Higher Education and Vocational Training Network.
Dr. Lina Vaitkutė, Centre for the Development of Qualifications and Vocational Training; Institute of Educational Research, Vytautas Magnus University;
Dr Nora Pileičikienė, Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre;
Dr Alicija Ramanauskaitė, Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre; LERA Higher Education and Vocational Training Network Committee.
Information for enquiries: