On the 23th of May, in 2024, the Education Forum “Problematic or Dialogical? STEAM Education in Relation to the Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts” was held.
In the Forum was considered the following issues:
What is STEAM education and what are its main objectives?
What is the current situation of STEAM education in Lithuania?
What models of STEAM education do we have and how do they work? What are the challenges?
What is the value of humanities, social sciences and arts in STEAM education?
What is the relationship between these strands in current educational practice?
What are the possible futures for education and the role of STEAM education?
During the education forum, the announcememt “Lithuanian STEAM Phenomenon: a Popular Challenge of Uncertainty” was presented by dr. Paulius L. Tamošiūnas (Head of VU Methodological STEAM Education Center). prof. dr. Rūta Girdzijauskienė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Klaipėda University) gave a presentation, “When Science Meets Art: the Interaction of Science and Arts in STEAM Education“. Dr. Simonas Šabanovas (Advisor of the Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports) provided detailed insights on STEAM on a Lithuanian scale. Dr. Jogaila Vaitekaitis (VU Institute of Educational Sciences) and Asta Malčiauskienė (Panevėžys Education Center, principle) also participated in the discussion. The forum was moderated by prof. Dr. Lilija Duoblienė (Vilnius University). You can view the entire forum recording on LERA’s YouTube channel https://youtu.be/qep9NxhAdLs