We invite representatives of educational sciences, researchers, doctoral students, analysts, representatives of schools, representatives of municipal education departments and regional teacher education centers and all those who are interested in the assessment of student achievement to participate in the cycle of events “THE ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXPECTED CHANGES”.
20, January 1 p.m. login via https://zoom.us/j/6289736970 or live broadcast via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHxFzyS1l3eAxn-gXT4BHbQ:
25, January 1 p.m. Register for the event : https://bit.ly/skaitmeninisvertinimas or live broadcast via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsi7QS2kbm9_Rw9Axc-eQFw
26/27/31, January discussions in subject groups (connection links in the program of the cycle events).
28, January 11 a.m. login via https://zoom.us/j/6289736970 or live broadcast via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHxFzyS1l3eAxn-gXT4BHbQ.
The program of the cycle events : https://lera.lt/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/MOKINIU-PASIEKIMU-VERTINIMUI-IR-NUMATOMIEMS-POKYCIAMS-APTARTI-SKIRTU-RENGINIU-CIKLAS.docx