We invite representatives of Lithuanian and Ukrainian educational sciences, researchers, doctoral students, analysts, representatives of schools implementing primary, basic and secondary education programs, representatives of municipal education departments and regional teacher education centers, representatives of non-formal education institutions, and all for whom interesting Ukrainian children schooling and its success in Lithuania.
Date | April 28 th, 2022 |
Time | 3 p.m.-5p.m |
Connecting links | https://liedm.zoom.us/j/87032403565?pwd=aEE5VERjanllZDIzU21SeUlOamVKUT09 (simultaneous translation into Lithuanian and Ukrainian) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHxFzyS1l3eAxn-gXT4BHbQ |
Moderators | doctoral student Vaiva Juškienė, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy of Vilnius College, Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association Audronė Šuminienė, Adviser of the Basic and Secondary Education Division of the General Education Department |
Forum program | |
Introduction | prof. dr. Oksana Zabolotna, President of the Ukrainian Association of Educational Researchers Aistė Kairienė, Adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania on Education, Science, Innovation and Non-Governmental Organizations |
Keynotes |
,,Models for the Integration of Migrant Pupils into Schools: Experiences and Solutions from European Countries” “Ukrainian Child Education Organization Models Applied in Lithuanian Municipalities” “We Have Set up a Classroom for Ukrainian Children: When Education policy Decisions are Pursuing Civic Initiatives” “The first Month in Lithuanian Schools: The Experiences of Ukrainian Children Fleeing the War” “Ukrainian Children in Lithuanian Schools: How to Respond to Their Needs?” |
Discussion |
Discussion participants: Aidas Aldakauskas, Director of the Department of Education Quality and Regional Policy of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports |
Conclusion | prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė, President of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association prof. dr. Loreta Žadeikaitė, Chief Adviser of the Department of Studies, Science and Technology of Ministry of Education, Science and Sports |
Contact information | e – mail. [email protected], tel. 8 686 39 529; e – mail. [email protected], tel. 8 686 21 364. |