The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, together with the National Agency for Education, has prepared and published an analysis entitled “Developing Education Policy Based on Educational Research. Material for Discussion”. The publication has been prepared within the framework of Action 1.3.6 of the Implementation Plan of the Provisions of the Government Programme of the Republic of Lithuania, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania No. 155 of 10 March 2021 “On the Approval of the Plan of Implementation of the Provisions of the Government Programme of the 18th Government Programme of the Republic of Lithuania”, entitled “To develop a national programme of research in the field of education”.
The aim of evidence-based decision-making in the field of education is enshrined in Lithuania’s strategic legal acts on education. In particular, the importance of data-driven education is emphasised, with the aim of improving the quality of research, the dissemination of results, and their application to improve decision-making and practice. Although significant progress has been made in this area over several decades, it is noted that research is only partially meeting the needs of the education system.
The aim of this analysis is to prepare for the implementation of the commitments set out in the country’s strategic education documents and endorsed in the Education Development Programme, to strengthen the research and experimental development of education and other related interdisciplinary research, and to increase the contribution of this research to the improvement of the quality of education and to the shaping of the educational perspective.
We invite you to consult the e-publication available here
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