Congratulations to Vesta Vančugovienė on receiving the SIG-3 JURE Outstanding publication award:
Vančugovienė, Vesta & Lehtinen, Erno & Södervik, Ilona. (2023). Thirty years of conceptual change research in biology – A review and meta-analysis of intervention studies. Educational Research Review, 41, 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100556
Publication available here
The SIG brings together researchers from the fields of education, cognitive and developmental psychology and several others with the purpose of investigating the problem of conceptual change in development, learning, and instruction. Research on conceptual change has provided detailed descriptions and explanations of learners’ difficulties in diverse areas, such as physics, mathematics, biology, and history. The SIG has been exploring the possibility to synthesize constructivist and socio-cultural perspectives on learning and to investigate the effect of epistemological beliefs and ‘hot cognition’ factors on conceptual change learning.