Congratulations to the new PhD Rasa Greenspon on the successfully defece of her doctoral dissertation “Supporting Teachers in Developing Learning-Oriented Assessment in Technology-Based Learning Environments” (Education (S 007), scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Airina Volungevičienė, scientific advisor – prof. dr. Erno Lehtinen) and acquirung the degree of PhD of Social Sciences in the field of Education.
The dissertation is avalable at the libraries of Vytautas Magnus University and M. Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania.
The dissertation is avalable at: 11 Studentų St., Academy, Kaunas district.
A brief annotation of doctoral thesis is presented below:
In technology-enhanced learning (TEL) environments, teaching and assessment practices often require a different approach, as the application of pedagogical practices that are effective in classroom teaching do not work because TEL environments enable new interactions and feedback opportunities for teachers and learners. Using a qualitative approach, this thesis aims to identify the potential of technology-enhanced teaching (learning) environments to support lecturers in designing learning-centred assessment. The findings are based on theoretical analysis and findings from a two-phase empirical study, e.g., a qualitative study carried out through semi-structured interviews with experts in the field (expert interviews) and a case study in a selected HEI (interviews with lecturers and a subject analysis in a Moodle distance learning environment).
This study has confirmed that the implementation of learning-centred assessment in a TGM environment is a complex process, but that there are many benefits to be gained from the use of technological solutions to facilitate assessment. The potential of the TGM environment for facilitating and improving the learning process can be observed: the TGM environment creates opportunities to promote self-directed learning and allows for interactive learning and feedback. The TGM environment facilitates assessment by equipping lecturers with tools to monitor learners’ learning progress, enabling timely feedback and supporting a learner-centred approach.
Dissertation Defence Council:
Chair – prof. dr. Vilma Žydžiūnaitė, Social Sciences, Education S 007, Vytautas Magnus University
Prof. dr. Auksė Balčytienė, Humanities, Philosophy H 001, Vytautas Magnus University
Prof. dr. Nijolė Burkšaitienė, Social Sciences, Education S 007, Vilnius University
Assoc. prof. dr. Viktorija Mažeikienė, Social Sciences, Education S 007, Mykolas Romeris University
Prof. dr. Ana Balula, Social Sciences, Education S 007, Aveiro University