Congratulations to the new PhD Lina Vaitkutė on successfully defending her doctoral thesis Implementation of Competence-Based Professional Education Content and its Implications for the Practice and Competences of Professional Teachers in Italy and Lithuania (Educational Science (S 007), scientific supervisor – prof. dr.Vidmantas Tūtlys ) and after acquiring doctoral degree of Social Sciences in the field of Educational Science.
The dissertation can be viewed at Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian National M. Mažvydas Library. The dissertation can be viewed at 11 Studentų St., Academy, district Kaunas.
A brief annotation of the doctoral thesis is presented bellow.
The dissertation offers a new perspective on the contemporarity and relevance of the competency-based (CB) training content for the practice of vocational training and students, its essential elements at the theoretical-conceptual and regulatory levels, and possible options. The aim of the study was to reveal the processes of implementing the content of CB professional education and their problem areas in the school systems of professional education in Lithuania and Italy, assessing the related changes in the activities of teachers of the profession and their impact on the needs of competences.
In order to study the phenomenon of education in the natural environment, a qualitative research paradigm was used. The analysis of scientific sources, the comparative analysis of educational content reforms, policy documents, the institutional framework for the training of professional teachers and instructors, and the comparative empirical study of the implementation of CB educational content in Lithuania and Italy were used to collect research data. The data of the latter were collected during semi-structured interviews with 48 teachers of the profession and representatives of the administration in two countries, qualitative content analysis was used for their analysis.
The study made it possible to conceptualise the implementation of competence-based educational content in the context of the general system of skill formation, under the influence of constraining and supporting external, organizational and personal factors. Mastering the curriculum was revealed as a complex structure of professional teachers’ activities, starting with the interpretation and translation of the goals of the intended curriculum and ending with the evaluation of the competences acquired by the students. The basis of these activities and the main transformation is the collegial work and cooperation of teachers.
Dissertation Defence Council:
Chair- assoc. prof. dr. Aušra Rutkienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Education S 007,
Prof. dr. Lina Kaminskienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Education S 007,
Assoc. prof. dr. Rita Mičiulienė , Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Education S 007,
Assoc. prof. dr. Judita Kasperiūnienė, Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Education S 007,
Prof. dr. Paolo Sorzio, University of Trieste, Italy. social sciences, education S 007, Prof. Dr. Francesco Magni, University of Bergamo, Italy. social sciences, education S 007,