Congratulations to the new PhD student Gitana Naudužienė on successfull defence her doctoral thesis: Development of Emotional Intelligence through the Practice of Mindfulness (Education Science (S 007), supervisor – prof. dr. Vaiva Zuzevičiūtė) and on acquiring the PhD degree of Social Sciences in the field of Education.
The dissertation is available at: https://www.mruni.eu/events
A short annotation of the dissertation is presented below:
The dissertation “Developing Emotional Intelligence through the Practice of Mindfulness” aims not only to reveal the links and dependencies between emotional intelligence and mindfulness, but also to reveal the theoretical underpinnings of the development of emotional intelligence in the modern world, and of mindfulness, as a transformative contemplative method of developing emotional intelligence, to identify the factors of emotional intelligence and mindfulness that influence professional success and satisfaction, and to explore the possibilities of developing emotional intelligence through the absorption of life experience through self-directed learning.
Based on theoretical and empirical research, it identifies the main mechanisms of the effects of mindfulness on emotional intelligence, describes the main applied activities for the development of emotional intelligence, and describes the competences to be developed. The knowledge based on the dissertation research will be used to model the possibilities of developing emotional intelligence in formal and non-formal educational environments.
Dissertation Defense Council:
Chairperson – prof. dr. Valdonė Indrašienė (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Education, S 007);
Prof. dr. Rūta Girdzijauskienė (Klaipėda University, Social Sciences, Education, S 007);
Prof. dr. Valentina Dagienė (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Education, S 007);
Prof. dr. Vida Gudžinskienė (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Education, S 007);
Prof. dr. Soonghee Han (Seoul National University, Republic of South Korea, Social Sciences, Education, S 007).