Congratulations to the new PhD Danguolė Šakalytė on the successful defence of her PhD thesis on “Integrating Evidence-Based Nursing Education Into Nurse Education in College” (S 007) and acquiring the degree of Doctor of Education in the field of Social Sciences. The scientific supervisor of the thesis is prof. dr. Valdonė Indrašienė (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Education, S 007).
The dissertation is available at: https://www.mruni.eu/event
A brief annotation of doctoral dissertation is presented below.
This dissertation explores the development and integration of an evidence-based framework for nursing education into collegiate nursing education. This dissertation study is one of the first of its kind in Lithuania to identify important aspects of the perception of evidence-based nursing and to uncover the determinants of the development of an evidence-based nursing education system. Norton’s (2019) concept of pedagogical action research was chosen as an appropriate research strategy for the study due to its emphasis on participation and partnership and its compatibility with not only the essence of the social sciences, but also with the philosophy of nursing.
The study highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of teaching and learning evidence-based nursing, defined the concept of evidence-based nursing through the perspectives of lecturers and students, and highlighted the role of the lecturer in teaching evidence-based nursing to students. The experiences of lecturers and students revealed in the study may serve as a precondition for updating the undergraduate nursing curriculum to focus on the application of evidence-based nursing teaching, and to declare this teaching as the philosophical basis of the nursing curriculum.
Dissertation Defense Board:
Chairperson – prof. dr. Irena Žemaitaitytė (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Education, S 007).
Prof. dr. Rūta Girdzijauskienė (Klaipėda University, Social Sciences, Education, S 007);
Prof. dr. Natalja Istomina (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Nursing, M 005);
Prof. dr. Rita Raudeliūnaitė (Mykolas Romeris University, Social Sciences, Education, S 007);
Prof. dr. Penney Upton (University of Canberra, Australia, Social Sciences, Psychology, S 006)