Congratulations to dr. Robert Leshchinskij on becoming Chair of the ICT and Education Network and LERA board member.
We wish all the best in your creative endeavours and inexhaustible sources of inspiration!
Robert’s journey at the Faculty of Creative Industries of Vilnius TECH University started almost 10 years ago, when he defended his master thesis. That defence went well and Robert received the prize for the best Master’s thesis. At that time, he got an offer to try his hand at university, as he already had a lot of teaching experience at school. Robert was also actively involved in other activities at the faculty, especially related to his studies. As he was very interested in active and student-centred learning methods, he started to share his good practices with his colleagues in the department and later with his colleagues in the faculty, both through the activities of the Educational Competence Group (ECG), and individually by advising teachers on study issues and sharing his knowledge from the training sessions he attended regularly. Robert is now the Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Creative Industries (KIF).