The Education Forum on the topic “Towards Research-Based Education and Training” took place on the 28th of January in 2021, in order to commemorate the 100 anniversary of the birth of prof. Leonas Jovaiša. Over 150 people took part in this forum and today the recorder on youtube has been viewed 185 times.
The educational forum record is available on the Youtube platform:
The welcome speech was given by dr. Jurgita Šiugždinienė (Minister of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania), prof.dr. Rimvydas Petrauskas (Rector of Vilnius University), Academician Eugenijus Jovaiša (Member of the Parlament of the Republic of Lithuania).
The discussion was attended by: prof. habilitated. dr. Palmira Jucevičienė, doc. dr.Birutė Pociutė, doc. dr. Giedrė Purvaneckienė, dr. Vilius Šadauskas, doc. dr. Diana Šileikaitė-Kaishauri, prof. habilitated. dr. Rimantas Želvys. The closing speech was given by prof. dr. Liudmila Rupšienė (President of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association).
The discussion was managed by prof. dr. Lilija Duoblienė (Head of the Department of Educational Theory and Culture, Vilnius University, Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association). The forum was moderated by assoc. dr. Rita Dukynaitė and doc. dr. Irena Stonkuvienė.