[:lt]Paskelbtas Eurydice leidinys Equity in school education in Europe: Structures, policies and student performance.
Trumpas leidinio aprašymas: This report provides an overview of education structures and policies that influence equity in school education. It connects these system-level features to student performance in international student assessment surveys (PISA, PIRLS and TIMSS). Looking at 42 European education systems, the report identifies which policies and structures are associated with higher levels of equity in student performance. The report examines the following education system features: participation in early childhood education and care, school funding, differentiation and school types, school choice, admissions policies, tracking systems, grade repetition, school autonomy, school accountability, support for disadvantaged schools, support for low-achieving students and the opportunity to learn.
Pilną analizės tekstą galite rasti čia: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/sites/eurydice/files/equity_2020_0.pdf[:]