V Educational Forum „Physical Education as a Basis for Personal and Social Well-Being: What Does Research Show?”
We invite to participate representatives of educational sciences, researchers, representatives of general education and higher education institutions, municipalities, physical and health education teachers, sports specialists, organizers of physical activity and sports, education, sports and health policy makers, all those who are interested in physical activity, sports, health education, the well-being of the individual and society.
About announcer
Professor dr. Arūnas Emeljanovas has been working in the field of physical education for more than 20 years, carries out expert activities, and is a member of the main international organizations related to physical education. It is shown by extensive and scientific activities of the professor: in total he has published more than 80 scientific publications, half of them in the publications of the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database with citation index, read more than 100 papers at international conferences, published 3 books and several teaching materials with colleagues. The professor shared his knowledge at universities in Greece, Norway, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, India, Pakistan and other countries, and did internships at Harvard and Columbia universities (USA). The researcher is especially active in project activities – he has won more than 20 Lithuanian and international research projects.